Saturday, December 20, 2014

Christmas Day is closing in!

The baking finally began as counter space was overrun by bowls, measuring cups and spoons, Christmas tins, sprinkles, chocolates, and eager little hands ready to participate in the lively action. The packages have been arriving as others have been sent off. Christmas wrapping paper and colorful bows and fancy ribbon and all sizes of boxes overtaking portions of certain rooms in preparation for the present wrapping task. Traditions still tracking as we make our way ever closer to Christmas day!

all my boys putting lights on the trees outside...

...and then helping with our Christmas tree lights!

my bakers/decorators/cookie-lovers!!
But none of it is overridden as we keep CHRISTmas in it's proper place with it's proper focus--carols playing in the background, daily conversations of baby Jesus and the season's true meaning, Christmas pages being colored, and pictures of angels and stars and manger scenes being drawn.

Carson getting his Sparky award a few weeks back!

Second graders performing Christmas songs at the school assembly! ( left ;)

Carson received the reading award for his class this semester!
Christmas break has finally arrived and this family of five will be taking full advantage of a rather less 'hustle and bustle' these next few weeks!! For now, it's back to baking, coffee-sipping, wrapping, movie-watching....all things Christmasing!!! :)

school party with CJ
and school party with AA too!

Luke 2:11 "for unto you is born this day a SAVIOR, who is Christ the Lord" 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Christmasing...slowly but surely!

Is it just me, or do many of you feel like life has been a whirlwind lately with extra pots of coffee being consumed, not just cups?! The Anderson revolving door is starting to wear out it's hinges, if you know what I mean, and Christmas break will be welcomed with wide open arms. :) Despite the self-overloaded schedule, we've kept up with traditions (except for the severe lack of baking. yikes! I'll get right on that...), we've made new memories, and our hearts continue to be overflowing with gratefulness to our Heavenly Father who is never lacking in providing just what we need, at just the perfect time. He is faithful!!

A little Thanksgiving weekend recap...
Mmmmmm.....Andy's handiwork is all over this countertop! :)

traditional homemade cinnamon rolls while watching the Thanksgiving Day parade!

Happy Thanksgiving 2014!

can't have Thanksgiving without a little backyard football!

uncle Andy and Joey!

snuggles with my Aven :)

It didn't last long, but it was white....and it was beautiful!!!

snow angel!!!

watching the snow fall
The Christmas bins made their way from the shed to the house and the unpacking of décor began. As I placed glistening items around the house, unwrapped sentimental findings, hung the wall hangings on their appropriate nails, there were moments when my mind wandered homeward. I wonder what my mom now puts on the top of her brown buffet ledge. Do the white lights that wind around the top of the kitchen cabinets seem a bit brighter this time of year? Do bubble lights still adorn the tree? I know there's a bubble night light in the bathroom. I've seen that one. :) I imagine what decorations might be atop the piano in-between all those family photo frames. I picture the living room a bit more cozy with the tree lights lit, warmer blankets on the backs of the sofas, and precious ornaments catching the eye at just the right moment. I don't write all of this to write a 'sob story', or for pity, or for any reason other than it's thoughts put to words. And I'm sure someone out there can relate. Ten years is a long time to not be "home for Christmas."

Polar Express movie-night-after-Thanksgiving tradition!

stockings are hung!

Andy's art show & sale display!! T.A.L.E.N.T.E.D to the max! :)

the boys with their obscenely talented daddy! (SO PROUD!!)

Parade of lights! The boys rode on the church float this year!

And we got to enjoy a little parade date :)
my boys working on the lights!

Christmasing will finally fully commence this weekend as we put up & decorate the tree, get those first batches of cookies made, continue with the Christmas classics on the big screen, and indulge in rounds of homemade hot cocoa and probably wrapping gifts somewhere along the way. Even with that familiar ache that comes around this time of year, I watch the excitement that lies behind 3 little pairs of eyes and I'm reminded that this is 'home' for these boys and with each passing holiday, each tradition grows a little deeper and means a little bit more. Now...onto those traditional Christmas cookies!! :)

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Carson is 8!!!

It's another round of birthday celebrations for the Andersons and this time it was for our Carson Jeffrey!! He was loved on by friends as we enjoyed an afternoon of bowling, pizza, cupcakes, presents, laughter, etc. And then celebrated alongside family with an evening of a lot of the same!! :)
As I thought back over all that we've already been through with Carson in his short little life, I praise God for CJ's story that continues to unfold exactly the way our Creator has it perfectly written. It has not always been an easy one to read up to this point, but with each page turned, Carson grows a little stronger and our faith is stretched and deepened even further.
surgery #1

surgery #2

Surgery #3

Surgery #4

Surgery #5 (in SLC this past Aug!)

Carson may be a bit 'quieter' than his two brothers, but don't that fool you. He can wrestle with the best of 'em, talk your ear off when he has a story that just has to be shared, and has one of thee most contagious laughs I've ever heard!! He is also one of the most thoughtful little gents with a caring heart that's bigger than...well, a lot of other hearts out there. Carson is our sensitive, car-fascinated, artistically talented, sporty, music-loving, growing-up-too-fast little guy, who loves Jesus and who prays simply yet so sincerely. :)

Taking after his dad!!

laughing like craaaaazy!! They do this quite well :)

Party time with a few friends!!

brother-bowling :)

singing to the birthday boy!
And then it was on to the family party! Ninja Turtle theme of course...with a Star Wars cake. The best of both boy worlds! ;)

present time!

he was pretty stoked about his new binoculars!
Thanks Nan & Pap!
chatting with Pap!

cake time!!

Star Wars!!! :)

Talking with Grandma before opening the MN box!

Hot Wheels!!! :)


Give 'em Tools

Ever since Andy and I signed that purchase agreement making us the owners of our very first home on Brookview Drive in Burnsville, Minnesota...