The baking finally began as counter space was overrun by bowls, measuring cups and spoons, Christmas tins, sprinkles, chocolates, and eager little hands ready to participate in the lively action. The packages have been arriving as others have been sent off. Christmas wrapping paper and colorful bows and fancy ribbon and all sizes of boxes overtaking portions of certain rooms in preparation for the present wrapping task. Traditions still tracking as we make our way ever closer to Christmas day!
all my boys putting lights on the trees outside... |
...and then helping with our Christmas tree lights! |

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my bakers/decorators/cookie-lovers!! |
But none of it is overridden as we keep CHRISTmas in it's proper place with it's proper focus--carols playing in the background, daily conversations of baby Jesus and the season's true meaning, Christmas pages being colored, and pictures of angels and stars and manger scenes being drawn.
Carson getting his Sparky award a few weeks back! |
Second graders performing Christmas songs at the school assembly! ( left ;) |
Carson received the reading award for his class this semester! |
Christmas break has finally arrived and this family of five will be taking full advantage of a rather less 'hustle and bustle' these next few weeks!! For now, it's back to baking, coffee-sipping, wrapping, movie-watching....all things Christmasing!!! :)
school party with CJ |
and school party with AA too! |
Luke 2:11 "for unto you is born this day a SAVIOR, who is Christ the Lord"