To start off, I'm trying really hard to refrain from using that "b" word. I went into this season of life with high hopes of meeting goals (and I did meet some big ones! Praise God!) but also went into it tearfully looking forward to taking advantage of having school-aged children, allowing me to attempt that whole sabbatical/relaxing/resting/take-a-break type of thing. And I did. A few times. And it was rich. Wonderfully soothing and needed. But suddenly life has kicked into overdrive once again and I find myself quite bus... hectic. I'm back in the classroom subbing and it truly is a God-given provision that I enjoy. Some of our usual family activities are on 'hiatus' for a while and yet others will be beginning just around the corner! Basketball anyone?! ;) Onto the next season we go!!
We've celebrated Thanksgiving & a 9th birthday for our sweet Carson Jeffrey (yup..I said 9!), completed Christmasing the home, but I think the "stayed sane through the recently insane season" award goes to my artistically amazing husband. Another successful holiday art show that proved his one-of-a-kind craftsmanship leaves much to be desired and his talent is one that is 'highly professional' to say the least! Hours upon hours to create each piece, with so much attention to detail that is perfectly displayed.
Regardless of the hustle and bustle and to-do lists, traditions are on par as we celebrate the oldies and create some newbies. The cookies are beginning to fill the tins, gifts stacking up as we prepare to wrap and ship and beautify the bottom of the tree, Christmas music playing, Hallmark movies making my laundry folding a bit more bearable, cards soon to be signed/sealed/delivered...the countdown to Christmas is in full swing at the Anderson home!!
our not-so-successful attempt at a family T-giving selfie :) |
KJ & CJ |
This kid... |
Auntie & PJ snuggles! :) |
Oh my pie!! :) |
Tree time! |
Polar Express movie night--the first Christmas movie we watch every year! |
Carson Jeffrey is 9!!!!!
And he likes Star Wars. Just a little bit...;) |
Birthday lovin from Joey! :) |
He was told to close those eyes!! |
Andy told him to smell it and Carson's response? "I don't smells
like a tire?!" haha!! ;) (but sorta true...) |
one excited future fisherman!!! |
Happy Birthday CJ! |
Carson with Nan & Pap |
Carson with uncle Kyle ('his namesake'...Jeffrey!) |
I'm thinkin he's prepared! Oh my Star Wars clothes!! :) |

Thanks Grandma!!! |
bowling party with friends! |
so much fun!! |
Parade of Lights ready!! |
Holiday art show at the museum!! |
So ridiculously proud of my man!!! |