Is it really March already?! I know, rhetorical question. Humor me. Days and weeks are zippin on by and God's grace continues to be evident, front & center as His mercies are new every morning! Seems as though lately each new day brings with it a new challenge, a new set of bursting joys (can I just say, this Great-Auntie gig is awesome?!?! Can't wait to meet little Owen!!! And Jackson...and Carter...and Madelyn....and more to come!), a new test to pass, a refreshing conversation over coffee, a new decision to seek His wisdom, a new stress to give God my heart's cry, a new reason to give Him my praises. And even needing a new 'do-over' some days. ;)
We darted our way through a frantic February, phones set to timers that sometimes need a timer to remind the timer to go off at the right hour so Andy and I weren't crossing paths only to recross them because we were at the wrong gym, or the wrong time for another said event, or... yeah. I know. I already hear you, my wise family and friends who have 'gone before' saying that "this is just the beginning!" :) Lots to evaluate. Lots to pray about. Much to consider as a faith family of five as we move forward.
It's been an adjustment, an overall good adjustment, as I've entered into the "working world" once again, but an adjustment in more ways than one. Despite the things seen that may have caused a harried blink or two, and the somewhat shocking things heard out of the mouths of babes (5 & 6 year olds watching "The Walking Dead"...and why oh bless-ed why are their parents DVR'ing it for them?!?!), I really love what I do!! It's been a true joy being back in the classroom again. And my boys love it too...especially when mom becomes their teacher. ;) I joke with them that I finally get a day 'off' as their mom! And yes, they actually do call me Mrs. A! Although I have been called "Mrs. Mason" and "hey Carson's Mom" a time or two by classmates....(haha!)
subbing in Carson's class! |
With mini-man for the day! |
Just me and my crazies :) |
Andy's "Luv Mugs" got a lot of attention! :) |
Birthday pie for the birthday boy!! ;) |
Part of the frantic February included a whole lotta basketball by our 2 eldest!! I highlighted what it could be like in the previous post and it all came to fruition this month as we did the practice and game running (pun intended)...although it became less practice and more game time as the month wore on. This is one sport this mom won't coach. The competitive side comes out a bit more than on the soccer sidelines. But I think I did ok reigning it in from the bleachers. You'll have to ask my favorite sidekick about that one. ;)
Austin shoots...he scores! |
basketball boys!! |
Birthday Date Night with my hottie-hubby!!!! |
It really was quite a joy and oh-so-much-fun watching our older two on the basketball court. Carson is mr. agressive to the hilt...who knew this quiet little thing could be so fierce?! He had so much fun this season out there on the court!! Always playing with heart and a smile. And I can't even believe I'm saying this, but we go from basketball court to lacing up those baseball cleats. Our CJ is 'batter up' this week as practices have begun!!
CJ's got ups!! |
Rebound!!! |
Carson ready for the shot! |
Daniel & Carson had to jump off--after a friendly handshake of course ;) |
Another steal by #39!! |
Carson out to steal again! |
Warming up for his last game! |
nice shot #39!! |
Oh these two. ;) |
Cousins and definitely buds ;) |
Austin had a lot of fun this basketball season as well--he's not as aggressive as his younger counterpart. Or rather, not as consistently aggressive, but he had fun out there on that court, and he was fun to watch, playing alongside some pretty awesome teammates. Sitting behind their bench once in a while, it does a mom's heart some good to hear those "good job" and "way to go" being passed on from one boy to the next, win or lose. But Austin's team had a winning season and found themselves in the championship game--and they won!! And even if he didn't score, Austin had his best game of the season! Champs for city league, 5th & 6th grade! :)
playing D with a smile :) |
Let's go #88! |
Bringing the D-fense!! |
on the line!! |
Teammates and friends! |
last game...make it count #88! |
Champs!! Way to go Heat!!! :) |
1st & 2nd place teams this season for 5th & 6th grade city league basketball!! |
Austin with his friend/teammate Ryan :) |
And of course, some plain old fun family moments from these past crazy weeks! Life has been full. Despite those testings, the ups and downs, the busyness, the stresses, the joys, and those random 'take advantage of peaceful moments', we made the most of the days and had a bundle of fun & laughter doing whatever it was that we had before us! Doing our best to count our blessings and trade in our sorrow for dancing. God's got it! No matter what that "it" was, and continues to be, from day to day. We have so much to be thankful for and the smiles always outweigh the tears.
so fun having Andy's parents, Nana & Papa Jon and uncle Jim over!! |
Andy & Austin with Nana and Papa Jon! |
Because it's we go bike riding?! :) Ok!! |
even in the water, it's basketball time! |
3 handsome gents!!! |
SO FUN watching Carson back in the water!! Thank you Lord!!!! |
Humboldt County School District Student Art Show!!! Carson got a 2nd place ribbon :)
Carson's "Monkey See Monkey Do" artwork! |
Like father, like son! |
Finally, I have to take a moment and just relish in this photo....because this encapsulates my man and just how hard-working and all-around A-ma-zing he really is in this gal's eyes. Teaching high-schoolers all day without barely a break to eat lunch (true story), then working with students after school because he is that teacher, just in time to finish setting up the district wide student art show, only to head over to our sons basketball game in which he's fully vested, only to get home to help with the bedtime routine and somehow muster up the energy to do this..... My Heart. Overflowing. (and yes, more Luv Mugs are on the way! :)
#forevermyguy |