As another year-end approaches, many pause to reflect on all that the past 12 months held-- the good with the bad, the chaotic with the mundane, the highs and the lows, the simple with the complicated, the joys amidst the sorrows. I've done the same reflecting, in bits and pieces, here
and there. We've walked through fire at times (figuratively speaking...and yet, a touch of literal--you can refer to my last post on that one), muddled through some relational muck, took on new challenges producing sleep-deprivation, laughed until we cried & vice versa, said way too many 'see ya laters' alongside a joyous host of new hellos. And that barely scratches the surface of it all!
But rather than simply repeat what so much has already been written over these past 12 months, I'll keep the tone of this posting much lighter. ;)
A photo fest of sorts. Nothing crazy. Just life. As we've lived it these past weeks. It's a scrolling of FFof5 pictures that are random at best, some being planned, others capturing the moments at hand, a number of them showcasing the real 'us' as we put one foot in front of the other in closing out a whirlwind of a 2016 year!
Christmas on Waco St. |
Carson is 10!!!!!
Happy Birthday Carson!!! |
He was over-the-top excited about his new Cubs jersey!! |
Lego challenge with friends of course.... |
Friends celebrating Carson's 10th Birthday! |
New carpet!!!! It's amazing what putting in new carpet can do to a house. It definitely makes it feel even more like 'ours'! The boys literally rolled around on the freshly carpeted bedroom floors when they got home from school, which was immediately followed by wrestling match number one! ;)
Sleeping on mattresses...on the tile last time! |
the before... |
...and the after complete with wrestling match! |
Family moments!
Snowblower fun! hahahaha! :) |
The boys LOVE being on our little frozen pond in the backyard!! |
Mason watching the snow pile up on the deck! |
Fun day in downtown St. Paul over Christmas break!! :) |
just being crazy...just because... |
A little Legacy basketball...
Austin Alan--let's go Legacy Lions! |
Let's go #22! |
ready for Christmas #1 at the farm! |
Game time with these 2 crazies! |
LOVE these handsome gents!!! |
Gotta make the cut-out sugar cookies! Thankful for a day we could finally do it! |

DE-LISH!!! |
Christmas Day!!! Merry Christmas 2016!! |
Who's that handsome fella...;) |
They all bought gifts for each other! :) |
So fun watching them give gifts to each other |
brotherly love |
Go Cubs Go!! |
my sis-in-law knows me well! (for my soon-to-be coffee bar of course!) |
Mason sang the entire song when he & his bros opened this! |
By far my FAVORITE Cmas gift!!! In the entryway of our!!!!! |
Basement Bedroom makeover!!
The dramatic "before and after" picture first....then the process pics to follow! ;)
Before.... |
AFTER!!!!!!!!! |
Let the renovation work begin!!! |
Ugh...just needed some serious TLC... |
Let's do this!! |
Carson helping out! |
priming the trim |
sister Karla at work painting! |
mason helping paint the closet! |
bro-in-law Jim working hard on fixing those ridiculous holes in the wall! |
#toomanypaintfumes ;) |
Room completion!!! Feels good :) |
It's a boys world!!! (baseball themed...can you tell?! haha!) |
Oh Carson.... |
2016. It's been a whirlwind. A nonstop year of God's continually leading from the smallest of details starting back in January, to the obvious biggest detail of the year as we now reside on Waco St. in Minnesota!
But as we reflect back on 2016, here's this Anderson family of five bottom line: God has been faithful. End of story. That faithfulness was on display as clear as the noonday sun, but at other times it was hidden in the shadows only to be revealed when His timing was perfect. That's what we'll carry into this next year while learning from and reflecting back on this past one---no matter matter matter where...He. Is. Faithful!!
Happy New Year friends and HE be your Constant as you look forward to all that 2017 brings!!!!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from this FFof5!! |