So blessed to do life alongside this man...(insert heart eyes..) |
*side note*
I don't share these things (and this isn't even the full-on exhaustive list) to seek pity or to showcase all that we've muddled our way through at times-- but rather, it's to show God's faithfulness, His mercy, His grace, His unwavering promises that the Bible continues to prove as Truth! HE is so Good amidst the mess.
And if I can be so candidly honest, had we known the difficult details of what this year would have presented itself with prior to our saying 'yes' to a move to Minnesota, I can't say as though we would have made such a move....
But then again, that's walkin' by faith.....and not by sight.
--coming home on a variety of occasions to a dog who had chewed through cords/put holes in walls/shredded this, that, and the other thing/ etc.
--the continual barrage of setbacks with our home buying/selling process (here and NV) and finally having that paperwork completed on October 21 (if I listed the details of that process in and of itself, well...we'd be here a long while)
--our dear neighbor's house fire (there was a previous blog about that: "A Firestorm")
--the overall balancing of a new routine, new area of living, new classes to teach, the new & unforseen stresses of all that entailed, etc.
--losing Aunt Peggy (KJ)
--losing Uncle Jim (Andy) but God working out the details for Andy to head west to be a part of the service and family time
--our well having a pretty serious leak (our lack of water & the use of, greatly impacted until it was fixed)
--our truck being broken into & tools/straps/etc. stolen (in our the middle of the night...)
These handsome gents....always smilin! |
And now of course, what kind of blogger/friend/family member/etc. would I be if I didn't give the Anderson highlights in picture form?! Gracious! Let the year-end celebration continue with the typical highlight reel of the latest and greatest, but reality of the Anderson life as of lately! Grab a cup o' joe and enjoy!! :)
Austin 'starring' as Gavroche in Legacy's "Les Miserables"
(and I cried...every single time I watched our boy on stage...seriously. Cried. Thank goodness I wasn't alone in my shedding of tears...)
(a video doesn't do justice to the 'real thing' ;) )
Gavroche :) |
Such an amazing cast!!! |
So very proud of our lil' man |
The awesome Cast Party!! (that went until 3am...literally...) |
Carson's 4th Grade Graduation!!
Carson and his sweet teacher Mrs. Niessen! |
handsome fellas! |
Class of 2025!!! |
Carson, Kyle, and Drew! :) |
Carson & Drew--friends since birth pretty much!! Love these two :) |
LCA Track and Field Day!!
Carson & Mason |
Carson long-jumping! First! |
First place for Mason!! |
Carson getting 1st in the 100m dash! |
Como Zoo Day!
The last day of school for K-4 is spent at Como--so much fun with Mason and Carson & friends!
Andover Baseball!!
Mason up to bad--homer!! |
Carson--sawing batta...for a double! :) |
Summer is officially underway which means a lot of family time (the 5 of us and extended's), friend time ( nights!!), baseball games and bonfires, lake time, travel adventures, and a whole host of new memories ready to be made!!