Sunday, October 15, 2017

Pre-teen Parenting....anyone??

For a number of years, as I was manning the home-front with my three energetically handsome littles underfoot, everybody always told me to "enjoy these preschool years because they grow up sooo fast" but nobody really warned me that it was indeed THAT FAST!!! So let me say it loud and clear, possibly with a voice teetering on shouting, to you moms of preschoolers (& toddlers & babies...)....enJOY these nonstop crying/toddling/tantrum-throwing-in-the-middle-of-Target years because it truly does go by THAT FAST! I'm serious on this one. THAT FAST! Not only will you be school shopping for that adorable chubby cheeky lil' toddler soon-to-be-kindergartner of yours all too soon enough, but those looming-locker-combination years of 7 different classes in a school day are chasing your child down the fast track just as quick. And it's all too surreal.

First day of school 2017!! We love Legacy!!!
How on earth did we get here?! And so quickly? 7th grade?!?!
And how on earth do you parent a 7th grader?!
7th Grade!!!
I could easily give the classically rehearsed Sunday School answer when questioned what to do when you don't know what to do---just pray. Pray to Jesus. Daily. And definitely do that!! And believe me when I say we have been doing that. Daily. But I need some hearty meat on that honest-truth, bare-bones answer. Like the daily solving of those unsolvable teenage issues. Those crazy hormones. The at-ti-tude. Oh the bossy-ness! And tears have already been shed. On his part. (not just mine)



And I have a BOY....I thought girls were the only hormonal tearful ones?!? Please tell me, other sweet moms-of-boys out there, that you too are seeing your once level-headed, straight-laced, even-keel son shed a tear or two...for some uncandid reason or another??! Even if it was due impart to homework? And oh those lovely little whiteheads that are now popping up (pun intended) as we make sure to keep that extra bar of Irish Spring soap on hand morning and night.  I'm not sure what it is about 7th grade that puts a knot in my stomach like I've been kicked by a horse's hind leg. Add to the fact that not only do we now have a junior high boy, but also a handsome middle school one right alongside his brother. 5th grade is a whole new world. And thrown in the kiddie mix would be the entering-halfway-through-the-elementary-years of the youngest brother. Ugh. The umpteen grey hairs that are forming simply as I type away....

Carson's a 5th grader
Mason's a 2nd grader

Ready for school pics!
So glad Grandma could be a part of it all!

Side-by-side with my blessed to be a part of the Legacy family!
We had to buy Austin a laptop for school this year. (insert HUUUUUGE gulp...) Forget dealing with hormones and attitude. Now we have to figure out how to parent those said hormones and attitude alongside dealing with technological temptations galore. That scares me/us much worse. (Technology, not the attitude)
Sometimes I look at my parents and think, man they had it easy. It was pretty 'cut and dry'. They could either say 'yes' or 'no'. There was no real worry about what was 'read between the lines' on a text because you had to actually 'read between the lines' on that friend's facial expression. Because it was face to face.  And you just knew. You were good at reading. The teenage pressures were and still are the same but they have intensified to the 'enth degree.
Tubin' with friends!
One thing I've come to be extra grateful for is the fact that it's not just Andy and I pouring into the lives of our children. And by that I mean others who are loving them while speaking Truth into their lives. Loving them genuinely as Christ does, speaking Truth in an honest manner, all the while giving room for growth to happen. Intentional discipleship is happening and we couldn't be more grateful as we prayerfully tred these parenting waters along so many who are in the same boat.

One final time on the lake before the fall chill sets in!

And in FFof5 fashion, here's your updated "photo scroll" of the latest Anderson happenings....

First Day of School FUN!
August 21, 2017


Buds--Drew and Carson!

 Family time!
Andy and Austin ready to "float the Rum River"

Andy & Carson's turn to kayak on the Rum River!
Sibling love! Never a dull moment.... ;)
Morris Carlson of 8 :)

Love my sister time!!
So much fun having Kari & Jay stay with us

MN State Fair craziness!
state fair bound!!

Its the Minnesota great get-together :)
Cheese curds!! (a must at the fair)
drink break ;)

Malts from the dairy building of course!

 Legacy Mane Event 2017!!

7th graders with Mr. Nydam....let's do this! ;)

Mason's in the mud pit!!
Carson and Kyle...nice and muddy :)
Austin with his buddy Carson...the aftermath ;)
Mason racing with the juniors and seniors! (he thot he was hot stuff...haha!)
Austin and Brandon!

Wooohoooo Carson!
Mason attempting the wall ;)
Women's Retreat!!
Canoeing with my beautiful friend Melita! ;)

Love these amazing ladies!!! LCA moms :)

Backyard fun!
Hunting our backyard ;)

Love fall in MN!!!!
These boys are HIS boys. I'll fail as their mom. They'll fail us as our children. But whether it's parenting a 7th grader, a 5th grader, or a 2nd grader (or whatever the age!), I'm continually discovering that it all boils down to loving your child as Jesus does, unabiasedly and wholeheartedly, with Biblical Truth woven into daily living, disciplining with the 'rod' and also with extended grace. And it also takes a whole lotta laughter and purposeful, intentional time together. I love being a mom of boys!!!!
Family photo op...ready to cheer on those Vikes! ;)

Give 'em Tools

Ever since Andy and I signed that purchase agreement making us the owners of our very first home on Brookview Drive in Burnsville, Minnesota...