Another celebrated Mother's Day swiftly come and gone, and a Friday evening out a few weeks ago with 2 of my 3 handsome gents to an event at Legacy entitled "A Mother's Knight" led me to ponder that very thing.
That word.
That phrase.
What does it mean to raise a Knight? Especially in the fast-paced, seemingly-chaotic, techno-driven world we live in today? The term quickly coins itself in the popular lady-spoken phrase as her "knight in shining armor". A handsome man riding atop a purely white horse rescuing that damsel in distress, with a shimmering silver sword diagonally placed across his chest that's ready to draw at a moment's notice. A rescuer. A hero. Perhaps he wears only a sword today, but tomorrow his outfit contains the full "Knightly armor".
Such a FUN night with these 2 knights of mine! |
Oh Carson.... his 'knightly' personality has been evident lately!! ;) ha! |
Beautiful "mothers-of-knights" |
And more beauties...with our handsome knights :) |
And a Biblical Knight wears just that. Armor.
Thee armor.
How do I raise that kind of wanna-be-man? A boy-become-man who puts on that armor with all fierceness and intent of being a warrior? Strength and dignity all wrapped into one as he firmly leads well. And yet remains humble and kind....gentle and compassionate.
Austin & his buddies |
LCA Band Concert |
Austin received the Allegro Band award for Outstanding Achievement :) |
It's an ever-learning process but one thing I know I've learned through raising boys up to this point is that they love attention. They crave validation.
He's not a boy who needs to be entertained to the enth degree. Truly. He doesn't.
Plopping a boy in front of a screen doesn't do anyone any favors. Providing hours on end of video games that can all-too-easily warp the mind only aids in a boy's desensitizing of what's happening in & around of him, minus the screen.
Drama awards for these proud of you Carson & Austin! |
Carson-- LCA Middle School baseball |
Stealing second! Way to go #29! |
Mason up to bat--here we go #7! |
Track and Field day at LCA! |
Mason pitching! Struck out 5 batters in two innings! |
Mason crossing the finish line :) |
Hear me out. I'm not against video games at all. There's a time and a place. Or more of a time limit. And a specific place. But hours on end (or anytime they want) is just lazy parenting. Dear mama, don't allow the games to be a babysitter for something you're missing out on with that handsome knight of yours. He needs to join in on your cooking, sit across from you in a game of Carib-ridge or next to you in a competitive game of Catan, ride alongside you as you bike the neighborhood scoping out the springtime beauty of budding flowers. Have him build a fire and then sit on a log next to it with a twig & knife and use those God-given sills to create something out of nothing. Give the boy 20 minutes to get those creative juices flowing and you'll be amazed at the results!! That's knightly.

And just as I expect him to be "ever-present" in the moment at hand, my actions better meet the same criteria. Ever-present. Cellphone-less. Put that thang down dear mama. Your boy is watching and he needs you to see him, not the device that holds your attention more than your own flesh & blood.
We wonder why this generation of "kids" has such a hard time unplugging. They're watching. They're learning. And as a whole, we're not gettin' it.
Yard work at it's....finest?!? |
The "fire-manager" |
Doing some yard work for Grams! |
Let him get dirty. And then show him how to wash that dirt out of those jeans.
Let him take risks. And then show him safety within those risks.
Let him make mistakes. And then fellow mama, with a firm voice & gentle love, correct him. Allowing him to reap the consequences of said mistakes will be more
beneficial than you realize. Life lessons at its best.
At the end of the day, I'm humbly grateful and ever-thankful that God chose to bless me with the overwhelmingly tough but beautiful task of doing my best in mothering these 3 knights. Who, by the way, still give their mama a daily hug at lunch (in front of their friends even...)!! I never shy away. Never will.
But I know that eventually, down-that-road, there's another who will take the place of those daily hugs. And I'm already praying for her. Praying that she is one who loves the Lord first and foremost.
That "damsel in distress". She will become his beautiful princess.
And I challenge you to do the same....sweet Mother's of Knights.
May our handsome gents grow to be Knights in shining Armor.
Mother's Day 2019 |