Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I survived week one of the "back to school" chaos and we are now in the midst of week two. I'm still surviving. :) I have no shame in admittance to a tearful week as I said goodbye to my first grader at the beginning of each day, the unknown of what would behold him for those next nearly 7 hours. A mother can only prayer her child through each day.  "Pray continually" (1 Thessalonians 5:17) was written with mothers in mind I think! :)  I'm so thankful that as I leave him just outside those playground gates, he daily turns to me while walking down the sidewalk with a final wave and a hand signal for "I love you." And I'm so thankful that at the end of each school day (thus far), I'm met with a smile from Austin and that same hug I received the very first day. It warms my heart. It's become part of our routine.

Carson, Mason, and I are slowly finding our way into a routine as well. It's not rigid by any means but it's those little things--like reading books for nearly 30 minutes straight, having a snack together, heading to the library for our library day, watching Carson work on little "preschool projects" as we slowly prepare for his turn to begin the routine of school days, playing a game with CJ as soon as Mason lays down for his nap, etc. 
Carson working on his cutting

CARS time!

Mason and his beloved "Thomas the Train"
 Our "getting back into routine" continues this week as we've recently received our AWANA books for the upcoming year, piano lessons slowly beginning, college class for Andy started. And we have also entered the soccer arena this week. I have 2 soccer players this year so yes, my title of Soccer Mom is back. And more so this year as I have been nominated and voted in as the "team mom" for Austin's team. Our days are full but complete. Our nights and Saturdays are filled with going to and fro. Our priorities haven't changed however--we are still "us" and amidst the seemingly fuller calendar of the school year, we will make time to be a family of five....and just be. :)
Movie night!! (i love how Mason is laying in this picture)

1 comment:

Christa Forsythe said...

Thanks for your words on my blog... I love being able to stay in touch with you via blogs... I love your pictures... every time you write about school and Austin I get all choked up! I just don't know what I am going to do! Phone date soon?! Please! I am working on painting my kitchen and your blog post was a nice break! Hugs...

Give 'em Tools

Ever since Andy and I signed that purchase agreement making us the owners of our very first home on Brookview Drive in Burnsville, Minnesota...