Monday, October 24, 2011


I really do love all things "fall". Just like the other 3 seasons, this one brings with it quite a few distinct changes and things that make it a season all it's own. For starters, there's the finale to the baseball season but the introduction to football season. And who doesn't love sitting on the cold bleachers on a Friday night, wrapped up in blankets, hands cupped around steaming hot cocoa and cheering on the local football team even if you haven't a clue to the player's names?? Maybe it's just a small-town thing, but there's something about listening to the energy of the pep band with the crowd roaring right behind it's musical lyrics, especially when you have a team heading to the play-offs. And being able to take home a souvenir football? Totally worth it.

daddy & mason

family photo...almost :)
another Soccer Saturday!

Go Austin!
 I've written enough about our apple-picking to last for years...well, maybe for every two...but it's part of fall and with that comes the apple baking, apple peeling/slicing/dicing, and canning! I love all (mostly) things apple. I tried my hand at apple butter for the first time this year and I think it was a success!
more apples!!! 

the start of the cooking process

Apple Butter...complete!
The most obvious notable thing of fall is the bold and bright colorful arrangement of leaves on the trees. I'm sad that they don't last a little longer. My boys would beg to differ--they can't wait for those things to fall to the ground!! They already have the rakes out, and even made a few "kid size" piles this past weekend. If only this same enthusiasm will be present when we really have to rake the's hours upon hours of work. Trust me. The end reward of leaf mountain jumping is totally worth it though. 
Austin taking advantage of the warmer fall weather--doing a little drawing
Mason trying his hand at raking
Carson raking a little leaf pile

:) I love this mini-man :)

Fall also brings it's drastic change in temperature. And it is never gradual. Why is that? Before the cold snap is upon us, however, hour after hour was spent in the backyard this past weekend. But then again, who wouldn't want to play outside until sundown if there was a bus in your backyard?! Long-sleeves and shorts...perfect "play clothes" to complete our weekend of fallishness enjoyment. 
AA and CJ

CJ--with a thumbs up and all!
And last but certainly not least, you can't talk about fall without including the infamous pumpkin. Those little ones especially, serve as the perfect medium for any little artist's hands to get creative. 

Yep--I love fall. Distinct fall colors splashed everywhere, pumpkin goodness at every turn (whether baked or candle-lit), my hooded sweatshirts reappearing, the sound of leaves crunching beneath your feet, squeals of delight as your children await the marshmallow- topped warm chocolatey drink while watching Snoopy and the gang appear on the screen. Another perfect season.

                         "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." Gen. 1:31a


Christa Forsythe said...

Your trees are beautiful... love the variety of colors... we went on a walk the other night and I picked up different colored leaves from all over the neighborhood... I just love the variety in shape and color... it is a good thing! I am soooo trying that apple butter... it looks soooo good!

Jen Anderson said...

that bus thingy is neat! Is that from homecoming?
We still haven't broken into the jar you gave us since our weekend was crazy but ohhh I have plans. :D

Give 'em Tools

Ever since Andy and I signed that purchase agreement making us the owners of our very first home on Brookview Drive in Burnsville, Minnesota...