Friday, March 16, 2012

"Super" week

This past week I've noticed that the word "super" has become infiltrated into my boys' everyday language with some of the most common things suddenly appearing "super" in their eyes. It all started with a cloudy, yet warm Saturday, lots of duct tape and cardboard--that's all boys need!! What started out as just a fort, easily and quickly became a "Super Fort" (their words)--my three sons were built their very own castle of sorts in our backyard. It provided hours upon hours of entertainment...until the Nevada winds blew in and literally blew it apart. We were eating lunch on Sunday afternoon and watched out our window as "Super Fort" twisted and turned into "super slides". It was great while it lasted and I don't think it'll be last "super fort" that decorates our backyard. The boys were hopeful to sleep in it, in accordance with their father's suggestion, and that will not be forgotten easily. I have a feeling that come the mid-summer nights, more cardboard just might appear in our backyard once again.....
the construction phase...

halfway done--popsicle break :)

peeking out the windows

Austin jumping up in the "round room" :)

hey--even big boys like to play!! :)

having fun!

yep--mommy's fit too! :)

Super Fort!
We were once again treated to an awesome Student Art Show (compliments of my "super" talented and dedicated art teacher of a hubby). He, along with the other art teachers at the high school, put together a district-wide student art show every year for the month of March and this year was no exception to being, well, "super"!! It was in a new location and the crowds flocked to the opening--as we walked around, I couldn't help but beam with wifely pride as I know first-hand how many hours were spent both in preparation and actual set-up for this event. And yes, in my boys' words, a lot of those artworks "were super neat"! I think there just might have been a little inspiration given.
the museum--artworks in both buildings!

the boys checking out some of the high school artworks

my A-MAZING art teacher around! :)

Student Art Show--opening night
 Austin's first grade class went to see the play at the high school this past week and in his exact words "it was super cool mom,  not scary at all! Well, there was one scary part but it was super cool. I really liked it." When I asked him if he had a good time overall: "yeah, it was super fun." :) See? Infiltrated in practically every sentence.

Carson, who is back to his "old self" and has been healing up quite nicely from his surgery over a week ago now, told me the other day that "you're my favortiest mom in the whole world because you make me super good lunch."  Yesterday as we were playing legos together, it was "this is super fun mom!" and "I'm building a super big house! :)  Even Mason got in on the action!
"super fun" the kitchen island instead of the kitchen table.

lego concentration....

"de-die!"...yes, that's what he calls Lightning McQueen

We obtained a new movie, The Bee Movie, and in a week's worth already watched it 3 times (it was Carson's special little gift he picked out after his surgery). With the good ol' Nevada spring-like weather (aka--rain AND snow in the forecast...) I'm sure that particular movie will be viewed again because "it's super great mom!". It's me and my 3 sons hanging out together this weekend and I'm hoping we can find some super-fun, super-adventurous, super-cool things to do together. And I might see if I can't wear them out enough to get me some super-relaxing/super-book reading time in as well. Sounds super, huh?!

1 comment:

Christa Forsythe said...

It does sound super... looks like you had a super week! I'm in favor of you finding a super book and having a super relaxing time this super weekend!

Give 'em Tools

Ever since Andy and I signed that purchase agreement making us the owners of our very first home on Brookview Drive in Burnsville, Minnesota...