I love being a mom of boys. Plain and simple. Don't get me wrong...a little girl with all the ruffles and frills and pigtails and drama sweet sensitivity would be a ton of fun but in this house, bring on the boys! I guess if God ever chose to give us a girl someday, she would learn to love the outdoors like I do...to love the sense of "adventure"...to be ok with getting dusty and dirty, but today it's just me and boys.
Mason's shirt says it all... |
My Three Sons......
Austin and Carson getting rocks out of the grass |
This particular Mother's Day lacked no enthusiasm in one being special and "adventurous". My 3 sons could hardly wait to race out the church doors, pile into daddy's truck, grabbing our sub sandwiches and stack of presents and then drive out into the hills "on our super fun adventure"! (their words) We headed to Martin Creek....
I'm a lucky and blessed mama!!! |
"dust tornados!!!!" |
Rocks and water...a simple playground for boys. Or girls too. Particularly this girl. Confession: I distinctly remember summer days spent with my cousin Chad (sorry if I'm "outing" you cuz!) throwing rocks into a little pond just beyond my house trying to see who would be the first one to hit a frog in the head. No permanent damage on the critter's part, just lots of laughter and silly memories for us as kids!
Mason: "I DID IT!" |
My love <3 |
Time for some gifts!!
Austin made me a book at school entitled "My Mom" and it's one of "those books"...you know the kind. It causes a few tears to fall. Handmade drawings. Heart-felt sentiments from a 6 year old. It's a keeper!!
As I sat back in my chair and just watched my boys play in the water,
throwing rocks, slowly venturing in so the water went from their knees to their waist, squealing and laughing at the instant chill, I savored the moment(s). Mother's Day is such a great day for kids to spoil their mom and try to put into words the love & gratitude that is felt for them (believe me...I could go ON and ON about my own mom and what exactly she means to me and all she's done for me...but she knows. ;) And besides, that would take a book, not just a paragraph! love ya mama). But on this day you also always hear moms talk about how we are the blessed ones to be given our children "on loan" from the Lord to raise and parent...
and there is definite truth behind that statement! So as I sat for a few more brief moments, I silently thanked the Lord for my 3 amazing little blessings...who aren't so little anymore. And here is proof...I no longer need to 'hover' over Mason as he meanders around. Notice his "progression" of enjoyment with the water....
water yoga?! Or maybe just cooling off... |
wet head! |
wet from head to toe! |
walking out with daddy |
standing up after he fell in... |
There is one more progression and that would be of a "full moon" on the water's edge after a certain boy's diaper change but I'll save that photo for some great embarrassing moment down the road....but here some other snapshots of the older boys enjoying the gorgeous day!
cooling off in the water |
trying to get to the other side |
Austin: "I made it!!" |
Hi boys! |
Andy took the boys on a little hike--they found the cave where Andy and his friend Barcley camped out one night back in the day. The 3 of them also saw a water snake & Carson picked a few flowers for me...
Austin finally gave in and 'swam' a little! |
As with any "adventure", it doesn't come without it's, what shall we say, findings?? It was a day for critters and other random sightings. Compiled with the pictures below, you can also add deer, eagle, water snake, falcon, ground squirrels...I think that covers it.
oh yes...that is a scorpion folks! |
turkey....that wanted to race us at one point! |
pheasant |
only in....NV?! |
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz |
A good Mother's Day indeed. :)
1 comment:
Sounds like a perfect day! Your hair is getting so long! Happy Momma's day to you! Glad you had a great one!
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