Monday, February 11, 2013

All about the boys...

I realize that it's been a while since I last sat down and let my fingers plunk on the black keyboard spelling out the latest and greatest happenings with the Anderson five. Our boys have been busy just being boys, building forts that span the length and near width of our living room, building clubhouses and workshops in their bedrooms, racing their respective trucks across the kitchen floor, utilizing the warming sun and breaking out their bikes, and I have been blessed as always to watch it all up close and personal. 
pretty sure they used almost all the blankets....
the book/reading area
my boys love their Snoopys!!
Mason's new thing..."a big thumbs up"
Carson's "lego workshop" (which has expanded greatly since I took this picture)
Austin's "clubhouse"
the artworks are never lacking...
boys and their trucks...
...and they're off!!

We've been doing the usual ring-around-the-rosy with our various activities but we've had a few out of the ordinary 'highlights' thrown in the mix. I'll see if I can recap a bit....

The end of January landed us back in Reno for a day of hearing tests and a follow up appt. with Carson's ENT doctor. I am happy to report that God's blessings continue to abound as we learned that Carson's left ear only has 50% hearing loss after his surgeries to remove the Cholesteatoma (I was expecting that number to be much higher, considering he only has 1/2 an ear bone!) and because his nerve is in perfect condition, he is basically hearing that way (aka.."nerve hearing"). His right on! Next up was a visit to the doctor to which we received the news that he is healing nicely, everything looks great, and the progression forward continues! We can now begin the discussion of options: hearing aid or reconstructive surgery. I can say that we are leaning toward the latter, but this is not a "one-time-fix." We'll be seeking some wisdom on the best option for our Carson, bathing it all in prayer of course. We'll keep you posted, and in the meantime, it's a joy to watch Carson continue to grow up as the little boy God intended and also take a 'rest' from surgeries and so many dr. visits.

A few weekends ago, the older two boys were treated to another full day out on the ice...this time pappy joined in on the fun!! They were quite the successful fishermen!!
pappy helping Austin
nice catch buddy!
one of Carson's spots
Nice catch CJ!
Daddy and sons :)
Pappy and his grandsons
the fishermen!!

The gorgeous Nevada skies....
...which God magnificently paints just for us to enjoy!!!
The boys had fun recently getting ready for their daddy's birthday (Feb. 10th)--picking out their own cards to give to him, putting their own artistic spin on a drawn picture inside, trying to be semi-sneaky about all the birthday activities, etc.  Andy and I enjoyed an evening night finally!!! (Thanks Madi!!) :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my hotty-hubby!!!!

And then we celebrated on his actual birthday with his parents, because it's kinda his mom's birthday too. I mean, she IS the one who birthed that boy, so it's a pretty special day for her as well! As a mom of boys, not only is there something uniquely special about that mother/son relationship, but being able to intentionally celebrate just as much as they do (and maybe sneak a little bit bigger piece of cake because hey, we 'worked' for that!) makes that birthday even sweeter and well, just.....special. We enjoyed a fun dinner, great stories (I always love those!) and lots of laughs all the while celebrating Andy and the amazing man of God he is!
father and sons!!!
ready to open some presents!
Andy with his dad and mom!
looking at one of the boys' cards
:) love him........
mmmmm...white cake with raspberry filling. Simply divine!!
This week we are gearing up for Valentines Day with a handful of homemade cards complete, the character cards bought with class lists in hand, and those cut-out heart cookies ready and waiting to be lovingly decorated by eager little hands....better get to it!!

1 comment:

Christa Forsythe said...

Love those Nevada sunset skies! I miss the sunsets so badly!!!! I loved the forts... That is good fun! Happy bday, Andy ... Glad you guys got a date... You looked beautiful my friend!!!

Give 'em Tools

Ever since Andy and I signed that purchase agreement making us the owners of our very first home on Brookview Drive in Burnsville, Minnesota...