I realize that once again time has elapsed and I can't quite fault an overly busy schedule for my lack of updating, but chalk it up to the simple fact that we've been livin' life and taking each day as it comes.
Drinking in the blessings of family time, alone time, sweet times of fellowship, and time in God's Word have been woven into our days in which God has carried us through. Today, I'm thankful for what the Lord continues to bring us through to draw us ever closer to Him, thankful for the refreshing drops of rain, thankful for my faithful boys who always serve up a smile with a side of laughter, thankful that HE is my constant and has given us another day to serve Him and be a family of five!!!
Mason never says no to playing with his farm toys! |
Can you tell the boy loves his tractors?! |

Alphabet puzzle time!
A few weeks ago, the older two boys were treated to their first weekend of ice fishing "with the guys." It's an annual trek the Anderson men make to spend a weekend together catching fish, enjoying the outdoors, catching up on life, and just being guys. This year was a little different as only Andy and his dad were able to go, but the four of them had a fantastic 3-day weekend together---Austin and Carson coming home begging the question of "when can we go again??" I'm so thankful for the memorable time they had with their dad and pappy!!!
ready to do some fishing!! |
riding "Pappy style" :) |
a little sledding hill |
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work
of his hands." (Psalm 19:1)
AWANA Grand Prix!
Carson's Rocket |
Austin's Tow Truck |
Carson won 2nd and Austin won 3rd place for their car designs!!!
Winners of the Sparky Grand Prix Design category! |
thanks for helping Pappy!! |
daddy and sons |
Austin and Carson with their friends, Jayden and Easten! |
The weather has been playing in our favor the past few days for getting outside to ride the bikes, play in the dirt, put on the catcher's glove, swing the bat, blow some bubbles, and explore after begin cooped up inside for the last few months! That first taste of spring always brings about a certain giddyness, a similar type of giddyness that comes with that first snowfall ever fall/winter. It's refreshing. It's cheery. It's soothing. It's just another touch of our Creator's handiwork as He changes each season.
gotta love doing homework reading outside!! |
Jovi and Mason |
the outdoor artwork begins once again!! :) |
Sidewalk chalk time |
Celebrating a little Dr. Seuss with green eggs for breakfast! (I didn't have any ham...but they didn't seem to mind. We supplemented with the toast and cereal instead....)
Do I dare..... |
.....I dare!!! And I liked it a lot! :) |
colored bubbles!! (thanks Grandma!) |
altogether now.... |
Carson cruisin down the driveway! |
nice throw Mason :) |
Austin's hit! |
Carson's hit! |
The many faces of Mason while holding a baseball bat....forgive the blurriness as I was laughing too hard while taking the pictures and failed to change the setting. ;)
A little rainy-day laziness.....love it!!
Next up is the K-12 student art show Monday night--we were pleasantly surprised when both of the boys came home with these invitations in their backpacks!! Stay tuned.....
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