Monday, October 14, 2013

Son-ly Shenanigans

Another hunting weekend (extended weekend that is) for the hubs meant more mama & son play-time! I had serious contemplations of tackling some cleaning and to-do list items that haven't been erased as of yet but I quickly opted out of that frame of mind and entered into a more playful one. I'm tired. It's a good tired. For the most part. Thank goodness for my Bunn and steady supply of MN Caribou coffee! (which is sadly running low...good thing the holidays aren't too far off!! Wink wink sis...)
Austin heading down the sidelines--on a very chilly Saturday morning
looking out for the defenders...
Go #2!!
Their facial expressions say it all! (CJ)
Go Carson!
Nice job #4!!
We rummaged through closets and pulled out toys that hadn't seen daylight for quite some time. Those good ol' lincoln logs still keep a boy busy! I did a little winterizing (aka...that closet-change-over) much to Austin's delight as he now has his own room! Mason and Carson are bunk-bed-buds for this year. We continued in our crafting--baking--hot cocoaing--soccering--goofing--disciplining :/--laughing--reading--and just lots of playing! Did I mention yet that I'm tired?! ;) 

 Even after playing soccer all morning, it's back home for more!
yes, he's cute...and full of it. The "just got into trouble" face...
enjoying a warmer afternoon
Austin & Carson playing in the front yard for once!
making some pumpkin faces--so simple and yet so fun!

he's a funny one...that Carson Jeffrey....
...hard at work!
mini-man Mason...

love at 425 :)
Carson's shop
Austin's tower
marble game!!

 Painting mini-pumpkins has pretty much become a fall tradition.

Mason concentrating....

My 3 little pumpkins with their painted pumpkins!
Mason was feeling patriotic :)
Austin claimed his had "freckles"
Carson went for the classic jack-o-lantern look
Fall has definitely fallen upon us and the golden hues dancing on the leaves are just beautiful! I only wish they would last a little longer. The deep red-leafed tree out my kitchen window is now bare and it won't be long before the other trees join it. 
leaves in the late afternoon...
...& the same tree at sunset!

there may not be many leaves to pile up, but these boys can hardly wait!
the leaf fun has begun already!

Another season, almost come and gone. But I won't rush it--just like this season of life I'm in right now. I won't rush it. These days with my boys, no matter how tiring and lloooooooonnnggg they can be, I'll choose to cherish. And probably choose to make that extra pot of coffee now and then for sanity's sake.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Love love all the pics but especially this last one of you and Austin :)

Give 'em Tools

Ever since Andy and I signed that purchase agreement making us the owners of our very first home on Brookview Drive in Burnsville, Minnesota...