I have a love-hate relationship with that first day of school. I have yet to make it through day one without a few tears falling and I don't see that happening all too soon. Summer always ends with a swift wave of it's hand, and even though there are fleeting moments during those dog daze of summer when I wish I could ship my boys off somewhere, I miss them during the day. Truly. I do.
traditional French toast breakfast for the first day! |
Austin--4th grader!! Carson--2nd grader!! |
my mini-men!!!! |
love my school boys!!!
successful first day!! :) |
the boys loved that mom & dad had homework, but they did not ;) |
Fall routine has found it's way back into our grips once again with a few minor changes here and there. The soccer cleats are dusted off, all
three pair, and a coach's whistle hangs around my neck this year (for Carson's team)...yikes! The Awana uniforms are hanging near the front of the boys' closets, Bible study books ordered and already the reading/studying has begun, hunting plans in the making for my hubs, piano students slowly filing back into our living room, various church activities gearing up, Lowry football paraphernalia ready for Friday nights, etc. Fall-feeling is in the air. The days are warm, the early mornings greeted with that distinctive crisp chill. But I think the fall décor will sit tight for just a little while longer. ;)
my helper while the brothers are at school |
Mason and I are finding our own routine once again. How is it that this little man only has one more year before he's off and into that sea of madness on the playground?! Don't even get me started..... I've already warned my dear mother-in-law that I'll be a wreck on that first day when I show up for the traditional 'drown our first-day-school sorrows in donuts & coffee'.....
some goofiness after reading a few library books :) |
my buddy...and lil charmer..... |
We had a great week of back-to-school hype but for this extended Labor Day weekend, I'll enjoy the slowing down and the semi-laze before the pace of life really picks back up.
We love lazy mornings in order to enjoy these homemade circles of goodness... |
Have I mentioned yet how much I love these boys of mine?!?! :) |

legos everywhere! |
And as a way of Carson update...he's back to his old self. The cotton still remains for drainage, but we got his glasses on again yesterday!! Yay! It's the little things. :) Thanks again for your continued prayers, calls, texts, etc. God has been so faithful in providing for a variety of things in His unique ways! We praise Him for continuing to carry us through each day.
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