Remember just a few weeks back when I was thinking ahead to the new year, reflecting on the past year? Talking about how it was something I've always known but when laid out by putting circumstances and events and people and things in a more "out there front and center" sort of way, God's hand being in the details was much more evidenced?? Well, it just so happens that in my recollection of saying I would pay more close attention to that throughout this year, God has continually proven that He is most definitely, and faithfully, in the details. A few times I've been knocked to my knees with such force that there was no denying Who was behind that one! I've been in awe at how plainly evident God's Hand is--it might not be 'seen' right away, but there are things that have happened, prayers answered, workings in people's hearts that can only be explained by His Hand and His alone. He sees. He hears. He knows. He's got it! We just have to trust. Not worry. Trust. Not manipulate the outcome we desire, but let His desires become our own and move forward in faith and obedience.

game face!!! :) |
Nice D Austin! (caused a turnover!) |
There's so much we don't understand. So much that doesn't make sense--a lot of 'whys' penetrating the prayers we offer up and the conversations on our lips. God's hand doesn't seem very evident in a lot of today's circumstances, and yet when taking a step back to see the bigger picture, it's amazing to watch the orchestration of it all. To hear one say that once the selfish blinders were off, it was amazing how clear the picture became and God got all the glory... you know His hand was in the details. Oh sorry. I mean, the DE-Tails! Easy? No way. His timing? Absolutely. Painful? Yep. But God's grace abundant? Completely!
And it's awesome to see how even if something doesn't affect you directly or personally, it whole-heartedly affects you if you belong to the body of Christ. One's pain becomes our's rejoicing becomes our's burden becomes our burden.....and the love of Him who loved us first becomes outpouring as we love one another. However He shows us to love. God's Hand. It's a beautiful thang!!!! :)
CJ is gonna be a football guy I think....:) |
AWANA Grand Prix night!!!
our Sparky, TNT, and Cubbie!! |
Carson won 2nd place for Design! |
Austin won 2nd place for Design too!! |
a little coffee date with my mini-man ;) |
playing some Headbandz with the boys..."acting out" this one for CJ ;) |
And of course, I couldn't help but to end this post with sharing that God's hand was definitely in the detailed workings of bringing me and my hottie-hubby together 'back in the day'. ;) Being married to such a God-fearing man has been a joyfully crazy journey that requires faith-filled leadership on his part, one that I respect so much. His Hand is continually at work in the day-to-day details of this FFof5 and evidently so as Andy and I seek to keep the cross between us as we continue to grow closer together. I. Am. SO grateful and oh yes, I'll say it, crazily in love with Mr. A. ;)
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Happy Birthday Daddy!!! :) |
L.O.V.E!!!!! |
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