I've had a conversation or two....or four....recently with other mamas who are in agreement with me that we feel as though time is slipping away beneath our busy fingertips before we've had a chance to really grab hold of it...or of our precious kiddos! Their word choice (delectable?!) is a bit more grown-up, sassy-like at times, questions about life deepened, their comprehension more mature than given credit for, and yet certain giggles still escape that vault me back about 5 years.
Stop. Growing. Up. So. Quickly!!!
I know I've been a little bit sentimental lately. Ok, maybe a lot bit.
And I won't apologize for it. I'll get over it. Someday. But until then, relish with me in the fact that if you have littles like I do, you've stepped into this sentimentality like I have, maybe right along with me. You've packed a bag and taken up residence in it for a while. I know of a few mamas with seniors who's sentimentality is worse than mine! That makes me nervous for what lies ahead...
A little spring snow that lasted only for a day.....

...because the next day looked like this! From snow suits to shorts! ;)
the boys took advantage of some sweet mud puddles thanks to melting snow! If you
could only see the dirt caked in the ears and hair....LOVE IT! |
Now that my oldest little is entering double digits in a matter of weeks (like, just under 4 weeks) and moving on up to middle school (eeeeeeeekkkk!!!), my other two will be the ones sharing the halls of the elementary school together. (read: tear escaping) Years ago we had plans established in our minds as to what life might look like once we got to this place, all of our boys now 'school-age'. Mind you, they were OUR plans. It made sense. We just assumed what God probably wanted and thought nothing more of it. Keep in mind, I'm thinking big picture here. People make 5-year plans, 10-year plans, & yet some people can barely get by making daily plans. Nothing wrong with those. We've done those--called them goals--succeeded with God's grace and provision, and the plan-making continues. But within the framework of those larger plans, there have been all sorts of little speed bumps, u-turns, steps of faith taken even in the "mundane", if you will, aspects of life---our faith rocked to the core at times, big and little decisions that required rug burn on our knees as we took them to the throne of our Father, plans that we made that He took charge of and in the long run proved to be glorious!
Rock painting! Because....why not?? |
The creativity is never ending!!! |
Becoming a parent really throws a curve ball into the plan-making and establishing. Now you have littles to think of when making those plans...and that can complicates things. Big & small things. But it also beautifies things. His ways are not our ways, and I'll go with His ways any day! I'm ever-learning what it means to bow my will before His will, to continue walking forward but not be completely caught off guard when where I thought I was headed turns out to be a different destination. Forever making plans, but forever laying them at His feet along with my selfishness. Taking every step in obedience.
lost in the branches ;) |
love these little tree climbers! |
Looks like you have more mowing help this summer mom & Ruth!! :) |
They did great! |
Ready for more baseball!! Still going strong... |
The very best man-made plans have nothing on God's plans...and sometimes it takes just a few moments of again, being still long enough to stare at a portrait painted across the sky like this to remember "God's got it". Just be patient and continue to "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." (Psalm 27:14)
"The Lord foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the people. But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations." (Psalm 33:10-11)
"Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him..." (Psalm 37:7a)
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