I have to say that I was somewhat surprised at the overwhelming positive responses I received (via many ways...) after my last post. Thank you for all the encouragement and prayers and willingness to share your own personal stories with me a bit! I can't say that life looks drastically different, especially to those on the outside looking in, but for me, it's different. The house blaringly quiet at times. Some days are nonstop while others contain those intended restful periods, to which I'm still learning to take advantage of and take note that the solitude is actually (gasp) healthy for me...not wrong, or weird, or guilt-ridden, or unbiblical. But quite Biblical in fact!! I've even practiced that thing that so many have such a hard time doing. Myself included. I said 'no'...to something that I really could have done. And probably would have really enjoyed! Time consuming? Yes. Rewarding? Of course. But why add 'just one more thing' to interrupt more family time, to take away from other opportunities that may arise.
Maybe someday...just not today. (thank you Lysa Terkeurst and "The Best Yes")
Lego City is happenin!! |
Game playing still abounds with my boys! |
There have been moments, days really, when those times of anxiousness have sprung up like a jack-in-the-box and the full-time job hunt begins...only to have my heart settled back down with that still, small whispering voice. Thank goodness for the lack of clamoring because I probably wouldn't hear it otherwise! It's come straight from His word (Matthew 6:25-34), through a song (or four), through the timely encouragement from a sister in Christ, (& through my actual God-fearing sisters and mama!) through the Bible study that seems to have been written just for me, for all of us gals really....
it's that highlighted part..... |
...and even through those sherbet sunsets He paints across the sky as we drive the boys to and from soccer practices.
I can't deny that a 'crying out' moment took place in the midst of that deafening silence not too long ago and the whispering response didn't change---"Trust Me. With every dollar. With the future. With tomorrow. Keep resting in Me."
Ok. Will do. And I'll bake some chocolate chip cookies in the meantime!
(don't worry...those decorated fall ones won't be far behind...the boys have already been asking!)
The changing of seasons is teasing us as the temperature dips, with sweatshirts making their appearance to ward off that ever-so-slight of a chill. The air cleansing with the fresh sweet smell of rain (is there really a way to describe that smell...other than just amazingly refreshing and 'good'?!). Fall is on the cusp of descending it's beauty right in front of us and even if the leaves aren't turning yet, and the dipping temps will go back up to their summer-like warmth for one more round, I'm ready. I love this time of year. Garden goods are fresh and delectable, those fall décor bins inching ever closer to the shed door ready to be unlocked, football season is underway, all things pumpkin popping up in great variety, heat squelched by that distinctive crisp air, etc. Yep. I'm feelin' fallish!!!
garden corn!! Sooooooo yummmmm!! |
mmmmm...homemade salsa! (round one....) |
Soccer Saturdays have begun again! Austin & Mason |
Austin played Goalkeeper! |
Go Vikes!!!! |
He was pretty excited to find the football :) |
Nothing but love...... :) |
Next up for the immediate future, is our post-op appointment for Carson! A 10-hour ride in the van for a 20-minute check-up & chat with the dr.! A long day no doubt, but we are so thankful for the means to get there and back, for a dr. who cares about our Carson and is skilled so perfectly to meet the needs of our boy! This appt. will be to make sure healing is happening and to take a look at the prosthesis, again making sure all is well. Then, it's a matter of time, waiting patiently to see if and how much that prosthesis will make a difference in restoring hearing to Carson's ear. So much to praise God for and yet, continue to trust Him for. He's got this!!!
back to the University of Utah Hospital we go! |