"Writer's block." (Or perhaps, "blogger's block" in this case?) That thing when you don't know exactly what to say...or maybe you do and are not quite sure how to go about saying it. That could very well be the case this time around--plenty on my mind, some of it too personal to share, some of it just lessons that God continues to teach as He begs us to continue trusting Him in the big & little things, and some of it just adding to the chaos of ranting that already takes place daily in the social media realm of our world. I'll leave those topics within those confines and instead, save this girls' passionate yet (purposefully) joyful "ranting" for face-to-face conversations around the coffee table. And I'll let those trusting faith stories be shared as they come to fruition in His perfect timing.
For now, I do feel like there's some catching up to do in regard to our journey with Carson. I've shared the latest news in a variety of ways but I better add it here as well for those of you who graciously take the time to sit and read about this crazy faith family of five. ;) As you know, Carson's surgery was a success this past August and a few weeks ago we had his post-op apt in Salt Lake City----a 10 hour drive for a 15 minute visit with the doctor. Exhausting. Oh so long. But considering the outcome, I'll take those kind of doctor visits any day!! Dr. Shelton removed the packing around the prosthesis and proceeded to give us the news that Carson is healing perfectly and everything looks great! He went on to say that it will take some time before we may notice any improvement with Carson's hearing. This coming December, after a hearing test and another follow-up visit, the long-term care only consists of a yearly visit to Salt Lake City for the next 10 years!! No more surgeries!!!! When asked if the cholesteatoma will grow back, Dr. Shelton said the likelihood of that happening is pretty slim, but if it should occur then yes, another surgery would be inevitable. Completely out of the woods? No. But celebrating? Absolutely!! Rejoicing!!! This was the most positive news to date and a major milestone reached in Carson's faith story! Prayer continues that his body would receive this prosthesis well and give hearing to that left ear. It's minimal at best right now, so anything more would be an improvement. I've seen videos surface here and there of people who receive special hearing aids and what their reactions are the very first time they hear sound. Priceless. Tear-jerking. In a joyful way of course. Carson isn't nearly to that extreme of not being able to hear anything, but I can't help but let tears roll down my cheeks as I watch those videos, understanding a small sense of what that's like, not only for those who hear for the first time, but also for those watching their loved ones experience that sense of sound. We can only pray that the day comes when "surround sound" and things not being 'muffled' becomes crystal clear for our CJ.
Post-op time of prayer/praise and Starbucks right there in the hospital!!! |
Fall schedule is in full swing and the pace is picking up a bit (ok, a lot bit) but we're managing to squeeze in that necessary family time to keep us all sane, to savor sweet moments like these pictures will describe well enough on their own. I'm still adjusting to having all my young gents inside those school walls, yet I'm thankful for the involvement I can maintain.
It may be fall, but these look more like summer snapshots! ;)
These two.... |
hanging on to summer as long as they can! |
Mason Roger |
Carson got in the action ;) |
Austin Alan :) |
'caught in the act'...laughter at it's best! |
but then they saw mom with the camera, & this was what I got in response ;) haha! |
The Anderson men |
Quite the view!! |
Andy took Carson hunting for the day--helping uncle Kyle!! |
We were treated to a wonderful visit with Andy's Grandma (GiGi) from Texas, along with Aunt Kathy and cousin Megan for a few days! So great to see them again! :)
GiGi with her Great-Grandsons! |
Andy & Grandma :) |
I/We finally snapped a few Saturday soccer shots of Austin and Mason!! I've taken a few pictures here and there (nothing like years past....yikes!) and what started out to be quite a beautiful Saturday this past weekend, turned into even a more gloriously beautiful fall day, complete with a little chill in the air, thunder and lightening to compliment it, and that sweet smell & sound of raindrops hitting the ground. I love fall. The house is fallishly decorated. The pumpkin spice coffee creamer is in the fridge. And I'm thinking it might be time to break out the pumpkin and leaf cookie cutters....
Mason ready for action! |
Game face! |
Mason shoots... |
...he scores!!! (the first of five goals that day) |
Austin stopping a goal! |
Defense! |
Austin finally got close enough to shoot...and it was blocked. :/ He played so great though! |
cloudy/rainy/thundery fall skies! |
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