Nearly 7 weeks ago we were on the brink of what was looking to be a nice little break from the usual running-rampant routine of life. We had a fun "Fort Anderson" project all laid out and ready to build, visions of sleeping in, a 2-day family getaway to Reno planned with an Aces game to attend and a stop to see some pretty amazing jets with "uncle Barcley" on our way home, etc. But then the call came. A literal and a not-so-literal call as an opportunity was presenting itself and it was one we could not ignore. Nor would God let us ignore it. And dare I say, we just knew.
Lunch on the fort floor! |
Kings of the hill!! |
Hard workers!! |
So much fun!!!! A boys paradise! |
Good morning! |
Sleepover!!! |
They slept well :) |
Anderson Fort complete! |
Late nights became the norm as we prayerfully and carefully considered the enormity of the decision before us--to stay put in Winnemucca or to pursue teaching opportunities at Legacy Christian Academy in Minnesota. Pros and cons lists were formed, God's Word poured over with verses practically jumping off it's pages in "Follow Me" fashion, and with every conversation between the two of us it became more and more apparent that we had to seriously entertain this option and take steps toward it. We laid it out in complete surrender before the Lord and then the whirlwind began. Or rather, continued....beyond the whirlwind swirling in our own hearts and minds and in actual happenings and circumstances. It was that whirlwind of being blown away by God's intimate hand in every detail. Details unhindered by man's hand. Those details in which you say, "there is simply no way we could have orchestrated that." It's not coincidence. It's God.
(A little sneak peek at our spring break week!)
Pool time at the hotel!! |
Reno Aces game!! |
Cousins!! |
Super fun seats :) |
Such a fun night with my love!! |
Fallon Naval Air Station! |
Barcley getting the boys ready! |
These 3 were enthralled!! |
Love this pic of Barcley explaining what's happening :) |
Such an awesome sight watching them take off!! |
Best friends for life these two :) |
Details such as these:
God-oriented conversations taking place independently, thousands of miles apart from one another, only to collide hours later in perfect harmony. A very specific prayer lifted up in the quietness of the early Monday morning hours answered that same evening without an intervention of any kind other than God's perfectly timed hand. So specific that the hairs on the back of my neck are still standing!! A prayer of crying out to God of an unsettledness with not knowing if we could picture ourselves at Legacy, unable to see the 'school in action' both as perspective employees and as parents of students who would attend there. And His answering that cry was with an offer to fly out to MN 3 days later and see it all firsthand. That's God. And so we did! Even in all the flight preparation there were perfected details that only God could have arranged. This quick trip was the final affirmation needed to put pen to paper and apply. Even though it was a mere 40 hours that the two of us were in Minnesota, God made the call even clearer for Andy and I--for the five of us to become a part of Legacy Christian Academy was a real reality and something we simply could not pass up! But there was still something that couldn't wait before the applying took place.
Ready for another season of baseball!! |
Mason slides into every base! :) |
Nice job #11!! |
Sawing batta!!! |
Carson playing first base! |
So. Proud!!!! |
As we faithfully pursued this potential move, we had to bring our three boys in on the conversations with us. We sat in our living room that Sunday afternoon. All five of us on one couch, 18 hours after walking off that airplane, looking at our 'faith case' that rests atop our table in the dining room and all the trinkets that are stored inside, talking about those various ways that God has shown Himself so very faithful to this family in the past. We talked of Carson's six surgeries, our move to NV, God's provision in worship, etc. This amazing possibility before us was another faith decision in which God would show off His glory once again. But this was also a family decision. And even though ultimately Andy and I would decide, our boys are part of this family unit and this would affect their hearts and minds and their futures. Their input, though 'childish', was a child-like faith at best and through their tears of sadness and shrieks of excitement, from that day until now, they've shown an understanding that is clearly God-given. They get it.
There were periods of necessary waiting while applications were filled out, interviews to be scheduled, etc. The waiting felt agonizing at times because we just wanted "to know" for sure what was right up ahead, around that bend. But we knew His revealing wouldn't necessarily be our timing (it rarely ever is!) and so we kept our knees bent and praised Him in the unknowing, all the while watching doors blow open with little affirmations here and there that God knew we needed at the very moment doubt wanted to creep it's way in. We knew at any given second God could close those very doors but isn't that what living on faith is about? To live and move and breathe all to the glory of God, ultimately giving Him praise. No matter what. Trusting Him fully and completely.
The interviews were completed and four days later the offers were made!
And we accepted!!!!!!
Love being mom to these handsome gents!! :) |
#foreverymyguy |
These teaching positions will bring out the best in both Andy and I, utilizing our skill sets and gifts in even more impactful ways. Andy will be teaching Secondary Art along with a Theology class and I'll be teaching Pre-K!!! The thought of all five of us at the same school, riding together most days, and being a part of what appears to be quite the 'family' at LCA is...well, it's amazing and awesome and all a part of God's plan. He's been preparing us for this transition for a while and in looking back, that's apparent now. Seeds have been planted in Winnemucca, relationships come and gone and not one without His Hand in them, friendships established that will last well beyond our 11 years here, but He is calling us onward. And even through some very recent emotionally charged and trying days, He's remained our constant as we've shared our story to so very many who are near and dear to us. Some details have been left out as I write, not on purpose, but for the sake of this not becoming a book. And for the sake of coffee chatter if any of you so desire. :) (yes, that's an open invitation...)
MN Bound! |
People will ask me, and people have already asked me, "aren't you so excited to be moving back 'home' be moving back to your family and friends there?" And I could, and will, and practically have, shout from the rooftops that I most definitely am!! But I am also saying goodbye (or what I'd rather like to call a 'lengthy see-ya-later') to my amazing Anderson family here, to our friends here (to one of my best!), to our church family, to students, to the house we raised our babies in. This home is the only home our boys know. It's inside these 4 walls they learned to walk and talk and sing praises to Jesus, to love corn on the cob and choke down a Sunday burnt roast. Saying goodbye to 11 years of memories (sweet and some bittersweet) will pull, and have already pulled, at deep heartstrings never plucked before. I may have slumped to the ground a time or two in a ball of tears as memories came flooding in while shuffling stuff around from room to room. This was the place where our goal of me being able to stay home while raising these 3 young gents was achieved. Post-dinner wrestling matches were the norm here, so many hours of piano lessons given, oodles of books read and games played, countless family gatherings and bonfires with friends, and it's these memories we'll carry with us as we can't wait to make new ones! So it's in the same emotional breath that it is also pretty hard to hide that smile or contain the joy as we look ahead at the opportunities that lie in wait. To say that I (and by that I mean 'we') have mixed emotions says it truly clear and fair enough. The scales could tip at any given moment.

My purpose in sharing all of this is to first and foremost give God the glory He's due, but also to encourage you, precious reader who has endured with us this long, to live this thing out!! To take those faith steps when God calls. It may not be a move (or it very well may be!!), but it may be a different job, to befriend that person God continually puts in your path, to make amends, to give more generously or specifically. Step out and watch God blow the door wide open! And watch Him do it all in His timing...because that's when it gets really good. ;) Even though we're moving, we're not leaving. We're just getting started! I'm sure there will be a lot of things to share as this process plays out. So hang with us as long as you dare. ;)
God is clearly leading. And we are obedient in following. Whether we are in MN for 5 years, or 50 years, our family will constantly strive to live by that 'Authentic Faith lived in light of Eternity'!!
You can't begin a new adventure without leaving something behind. I am so thankful it is a difficult decision, because that means you have thrived and put down deep roots there. It also means you are being obedient to clear direction and ready to grow transplanted. Minnesota welcomes you with open arms!
Andy and Kendra I will miss you and the boys terribly. Cheer on the Minnesota twins and vikings for me. It's been great watching your boys grow up. From our shenanigans in the wcf nursery. Just so you know I will be right here if you some girl talk. Love your friend kelsie duran.
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