Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?? That's my excuse for an explanation as to my blogging whereabouts. Or it could be this 'time' factor and the lack thereof, including the continual adjustment to....well....everything! I had a dear friend tell me it'll take at least a year, maybe two, before you'll feel even remotely settled. But as that 'settling' continues, those 'life lessons' are never-ending. Even more abundant lately as I (read: we) try to absorb all that God is doing/trying to teach us/showing us/our reliance on Him in ways like never before/..................... need I go on??
Our first snow at our new home!! So. BEAUTIFUL!!! |
However, while anticipating the latest Anderson family update & what this post might entail as I thought about sharing more of our adjusting, albeit the joys and struggles, God interrupted & decided to give some life lessons as the five of us had to grapple with reality. Just down the road. Literally. But before I get to that, here's a snapshot or two (....or twenty) of what the 5 of us have been up to lately.
We witnessed history as the Cubs won the World Series (insert eruptions of screams and shrieks...even at midnight...), spent an entire Saturday outside with family as trees were cut down/branches burned/leaves raked/yard transformed to make it feel even more like home. Mason turned seven!! Carson will turn 10 soon!! Austin was one of the leading roles in the 5th-6th grade fall musical at school, shocking us with not one, but 2 solos! Austin is also back into basketball action. (Carson starts in a month.) The boys each took a turn hunting with Andy, who shot a buck, Minnesota style. A Thanksgiving spent up north with family (bonus that out-of-state cousins were there too!) and a neighborhood pulling together in the midst of tragedy.
Yard work day!! |
so much brush in the backyard... |
...all cleaned up! |
"Go Cubs go....go Cubs go...." |
Oh yes, we got them out of bed at 11:45pm to witness the "W"!! |
My hunters!!
Austin & Andy |
Mason & Andy |
Andy & Carson |
Meat for the freezer!!! woohoo!! |
Legacy Middle School basketball! |
There are minor details within the majors listed, but this isn't the time to share those. Figuring out life here in MN is still a big work in progress. We're in the midst of the 'muck' (if you will) and the firestorm of emotions continue to pluck at heart strings as we are overwhelmed with continual joy for so many reasons & have already witnessed various opportunities come to fruition and yet we are missing those lives we were once a nearly daily part of and invested in. We're trying to find that unique balance as we adjust to many changes. To various challenges. But life is full of challenges. And changes. Very often challenging changes. However, one key thing I'm continually learning is that wherever your focus lies (WHOever your focus is on) plays the leading role in how you adapt and deal with those said changes.
Band concert--Austin's still rockin the trumpet! |
Pretty proud of our son!! (He played the crippled man...) |
The story of the 4 friends who lowered the crippled man thru the roof to see Jesus |
So fun having family come to the program!!
Grandma & AAA |
cousin Clara & AAA |
Ryan and Charity with AAA! |
Happy 7th Birthday Mason!!!! |
Loved having lunch with my mini-man...just down the hall!! |
Birthday party at the farm! |
First snowfall on Waco St! |
Over the river and through the woods.... Happy Thanksgiving! |
kid table :) |
Way too much fun playing in the snow! |
(*I made sure to get permission from our sweet neighbors, a family of four, before writing this....as Mary told me "we welcome anyone praying for us as we try and move forward")
As I mentioned above, the reality we had to face was not something that came from the shadows. Oh no. It was "up front and center"....and we were that up front and center. But Praise God HIS story can play out through something that is so tragic, especially this time of year. The smokey smell came around 2pm as we arranged and unpacked boxes and bins in the garage and the boys made igloos in the snow and shoveled off the snow-packed deck. We thought it was an odd time to have a bonfire, but burning branches and brush is not uncommon, no matter the time of day or season. But just over an hour later, as our boys were on our deck shoveling that snow, they decided to talk a walk down the road to see what the smoke and random chimney sparks were all about. Moments later there were screams and the sound of boots pounding the pavement as they yelled "Mom! Dad! That house is on fire!!!!" We totally thought they were kidding. But their panicked faces told us otherwise. As we stepped out onto our driveway, it's an image I'll never forget. Flames higher than the treetops, lining that grey clouded sky with such intense force that it took me about 10 seconds to realize what I was seeing. That yes, this was not someone having a little burning brush bonfire in the front yard, the house that stood basically kiddy-corner from us was indeed going up in flames. And fast. Andy took off running down the street. I made the 911 call.

I resorted back to my high school track and field days as I sprinted
toward the blazing flames to help my hubs who was already working on
kicking in the dead-bolt locked door of the garage. The swirling panic of seeing three boys stand on the roadside with frightened tears streaming as I darted past calling at them to stay there and pray, the two of us with another couple who lived just up the street trying to figure out if anyone was home along with their 2 dogs, knowing that eyes are watching Andy and I do what needed to be done....those moments still cause a very surreal image. Did that really just happen??
He did indeed kick that garage door in and only the cat was at it's hinges, anxious to be free from the plume of smoke that came rolling out with it. Without hesitation Andy scooped it up and handed it to me as he continued to call out, scanning the scene as to what else we could do....policemen and sheriff arriving with prompt timing and yet, all we wanted was a water hose. In those next moments of pacing the street, calming our boys' fears and tears, praying together as a family right there on the side of the road, watching other neighbors come out from the woodwork, frantically trying to get a hold of the family....all of it seemed to be a slow-motion dream as we anxiously watched and nerve-wrackingly waited for those firetrucks to arrive all the while hearing the sound of glass breaking as the fire continued to roar with it's force. A few times that's all you could here. Eerie.
Finally capturing a photo as I caught my breath--pics. never do it justice. |
The irony of witnessing your neighbor's house burn, with all of its' precious contents inside, the same afternoon millions of people are purchasing items to fill their own homes, was almost too much. I didn't buy hardly anything this Black Friday, but the few things I did purchase online that morning, well, there was an urging knot in my stomach to return it all, even thought it wasn't for me but for family. I can't even begin to describe the sickening feeling the five of us had, the helplessness as we stood, feet away from the red hot & orange blaze. Neighbors congregated on Waco Street as we could only watch and pray, giving comforting hugs knowing this family was safe. Knowing we would all rally around them. It broke our hearts to think it took a tragedy to finally meet one another and get to know others even more, but we were there nonetheless. Supporting. Praying.
It was a teachable moment as parents we couldn't pass up, one that both during and now in the aftermath, showing and living out Christ's love is what matters. We know that beauty will arise from the ashes, that blessings will abound despite the rubble and we've already played witness to that as we are certainly blessed to live in a neighborhood that truly cares for one another.
Firetrucks lined the street for hours--even coming back at 4am to a smoldering home. |
Yep...we are now cat owners. For a few days anyway ;) |
The next morning |
Andy's footprint is still on the door he kicked in. |
As we dive head first into this holiday season, I have a feeling it'll be one where we can barely catch our breath as each day passes. With the deep desire to keep up with set holiday traditions and make new ones, and especially doing what we can to help take care of those who aren't as fortunate this time of year, I was reminded through the promises of Scripture that God is still there. Always. He is still Sovereign. He reigns supreme. He is in control. It wasn't by coincidence that the verses in Isaiah were the ones read in the early morning hours after our neighbor's fire.
But now, this is what the Lord says—
he who created you, Jacob,
he who formed you, Israel:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the Lord your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior...
Isaiah 43:2-3a
Carson shoveling snow off the deck! |
Decorating our home definitely took on new meaning this year (which is still a slow work in progress--not too much decorating has been done yet...). But as we put those Christmas pieces around our home and strung the lights that outline parts of the house, we could only lift up a continual pray for those less fortunate. Those who may not have a house to come home to, for whatever reason. Those whose lives may not have family to laugh with, trees to put ornaments on, stockings to hang. So as you do those very things these next few weeks, I encourage you to say an extra prayer for someone who isn't able to. You don't even need to know his/her name...God does. As our conversations take place with the family and we do our best to encourage that God is indeed in control, that He could do something even greater than we can imagine, their hope is shaken and yet their reliance is there. But they covet your prayers. So yes, I perhaps selfishly write these very words for you to pray for them...for this precious family of four. The family that had a home on Waco Street just 3 days ago. A family whose lives are forever changed.
Shopping alongside our littles will look a little different this year as this experience has put a very real need right in front of us rather than a 'distant' need. Buy that little extra something to give away to a neighbor or child or co-worker who could benefit. Make an extra batch of those delicious cookies to drop off at a neighbor's doorstep. Be a blessing. However that may look. The impact could be eternal.
It's beginning to look a lot like CHRISTmas!!
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