Thursday, January 31, 2019


As many of you are probably aware, since Minnesota made national headlines, we have been frozen (literally, practically, non-hypothetically) for a number o' days. I'd love to say that I'm about to post a ton of pictures of all the laughter shared, the sporadic fun we had & things we did, the games we played, movies/shows we took part in viewing together, and numerous packets of hot chocolate consumed, but I honestly didn't take that many. I was simply living in the moment. 

Our backyard message, written by handsome gents who have been awaiting some fresh powder!
You could say...I, along with my handsome gents, well....we were hibernating! 

And hibernation equals rest. And resting is such a good thing. Was it by choice? No, not really. It was more or less forced upon me and my family, and the entire state of Minnesota per say. But what a good thing to be forced into sometimes. 

These boys of mine....
...never a dull moment!

I mean...ya gotta bake an extra batch when in Hibernation mode

Throughout this unexpected "time off" from the busyness of school life, I was chatting and videoing (aka..Marco Polo app) with various family and friends about what they were doing and so many of them said that they were retrieving untouched games out of their closets, getting a variety of games from other relatives, picking out movies and making fun food, and actually enjoying spending some time together as a family they wouldn't have otherwise had! By the warmth of a fireplace of course. ;)  What a blessing!!

Austin is ready to tackle his first "panting on canvas"! 

Pretty sure it's safe to say he definitely has the "artistic gene" 
Sometimes living in the extremes of weather makes one extremely thankful for the simplicities of life that God gives. Warmth. Family. Togetherness. Craziness! Laughter. Sleep. Oh that bless-ed sleep. 

And it also heightens your alertness to those who brave these very extremes with a resilience some of us probably don't fully understand. No home. Broken furnace in sub-zero temps. No kids to chase after or redirect. Frozen pipes. Firemen. That list is endless. 

Because everyone's doing it.;)  But the boys loved it! 

The classic boiling water in sub-zero temps is science fun....

...pretty awesome!

movie matinee + free hot cocoa = Win!!

I'll simply leave my writing a point of thankfulness for a forced hibernation with my handsome gents and memories made that wouldn't have otherwise happened. But also prayers said for those whose 'force' may not have been as enjoyable or memorable. 

Thankful in the little things. 



Humbly blessed. 

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