Sunday, October 30, 2011


This past week, as I write with little humility and quite a bit of mama pride, seemed to be a week for awards--Austin being on the receiving end of most of them. Each one provided great lessons in reaching a goal that you set for yourself, humility, simply finishing something you start, and ultimately that all the glory goes to God!! It's never about us.
"Most Unique"
My little artist!

like father like son!
Austin's "REAL Super Grass Valley Kid"

my Soccer Boys!!
The weather is definitely feeling a lot more fall-like and I finally had to cave and turn the heat on in our house. Like I've said before, it's never gradual this whole changing of seasons thing, and we suddenly found ourselves waking up to a bone-chilling 15 degrees outside. But, to the boys' enthrallment, the leaves are indeed falling and the piling has already begun. So--these are the first of many snapshots that will continue to happen over the course of these next few days and possibly weeks as the leaves bare the trees and fill our backyard. 

Mason laughed SUPER hard when Andy got out the leaf blower--he loved it!
Where's Austin?!

Mason just ran through the leaves....
We love fall!!!!


Jen Anderson said...

Love the photos!! And too funny -- I was just logging on to post photos of the girls I took over the weekend. Just a big photo dump; not much of a post! Great minds and all that ;)

Christa Forsythe said...

Love, love, love the artist costume... how fun! And yes... we should talk this week... sometime before Thurs...we are headed to Seattle then!

Give 'em Tools

Ever since Andy and I signed that purchase agreement making us the owners of our very first home on Brookview Drive in Burnsville, Minnesota...