Tuesday, May 22, 2012

All caught up...

B.U.S.Y. If I could come up with some sort of creative acronym to go with these four letters that describes the five of us lately, I would. But I can't. So I'll just leave it as is. The word sums itself up pretty well. Remember that calendar color-coding I referred to last time? It somehow became more colorful....or messy thanks to my lack of proficient clean writing skills so as not to disturb what was already written. There has not been a shortage of caffeine to say the least as we attempt to complete the to-do, must-get-ready, MUST-do lists of varying degrees. I'm thankful for breaks in the day when I can re-ground myself and keep my priorities in check...for moments when Carson and I still play a round or two of UNO together...for times of book reading with Austin after school...for noshing on popsicles and bike riding, bug-finding and exploring, for endless giggles and boyish humor. Refreshing relief at it's best. 
Here's a few (I mean...just a few....) photos capturing a little of what our past days have looked like. 

Mason taking a break looking at what else...a Cabela's book!

Carson all smiles on third
Intense face...
Nice throw Austin!

Just look at that face ;)

Poking at a stink bug...

..and then screaming at it.
 This past weekend we had Aven and Jovi at our house--LOTS of outside time! I snapped a bunch of photos but they are all relatively the same...5 kids just enjoying the gorgeous summer-like outdoors!!

 Andy took the older two on a drive up into the mountains to find rocks for our latest backyard project...needles to say, they had a great time and are still talking about it! I mean, they did capture a lizzard to which it received the name "Lizzie" (i know, how appropriate, right?!). It was brought home and lasted until after the Eclipse.

Austin and Carson's last t-ball game this year....

Carson's wind-up....

..complete with a thumbs up at first base!
Go Austin!

Austin swinging!

Running home!! (notice Austin's left cheek is all swollen from being at the dentist :( )

Carson sliding into home!

Lunar Moth in a jar!
Lunar moth Andy found on the side of our house
Well there ya go...I think I'm all caught up, in picture form at least, from the latest and greatest from the Anderson's! The rest of the week contains art shows, parties, among a few other random things...and the countdowns are fully on until school is out, the 7th birthday is celebrated, and the van heads east on I-80. In the meantime, my break is over so "to-do" list, here I come!


Jen Anderson said...

I haven't seen a lunar moth this year yet -- super cool you got a photo of one!! Love the pics (poor Austin's cheek!)

Love you :)

Christa Forsythe said...

Fun pictures... totally identify with that B. U. S. Y.

We seems to constantly abide in that reality.... love the pics!

Give 'em Tools

Ever since Andy and I signed that purchase agreement making us the owners of our very first home on Brookview Drive in Burnsville, Minnesota...