Friday, May 23, 2014

Andersons awarded

The end of the school year frenzy remains in full swing even as activities are slowly coming to a halt. In a matter of weeks, the only craziness encompassing our days will be the 6 busy feet of my ever-busy little gentlemen. Well, not the only thing as we still have upcoming appointments, MN packing, hopefully some camping mixed in, and a host of other activities. But the daily grind will be quite different. Ahhhhh, I can't wait. I can't wait for enjoying some morning coffee with my love. I can't wait for the pace of our days to be significantly slower. I can't wait for endless family days without the interruption of a minute-by-minute schedule. But for now, we'll get through the end of the year like we did the beginning of the year--bathed in prayer with one foot in front of the other. 
Another hit for Carson
heading to second!

CJ and daddy at his 1st Grade Art Show!
Carson's cat--his detail is incredible!  (Bonhuer)
Carson and Nanny by his Starry Night! (Van Gogh)
CJ's dandelions "from a bird's eye view"...another little artist in the making!! (O'Keeffe)

As the end of this school year wraps up, the Anderson boys have been the recipients of various awards. But as much as we enjoy receiving those tangible items, it's what lies behind those awards that matters most and is what makes this wife and mom most proud. Getting a ribbon or medal for finishing their Awana books is quite rewarding, but knowing they've implanted God's Word in their hearts and minds is by far the greater reward. It's fun getting a little trophy at the end of a sports season, but watching Carson in his teamwork and great sportsmanship are character qualities sure to outlast that baseball trophy.
Austin carried the American flag
Carson with the AWANA flag

our Cubbie bear on the end, singing his Cubbies song!

mini-man Mason getting his first Awana award as a Cubbie :)

Carson receiving his 2nd book award---and acknowledged for finishing the extra credit & Psalm 100!!

Austin receiving his TNT medal/First book award!

proud of our Awana boys...they memorized a lot of verses this year!

Carson playing catcher for his last game!
Ready to run home....
Proud of our little Giant! :)

I do have to say a little something in lieu of my husband receiving the Teacher of the Year Award for Lowry High School. Some may disregard this as no big deal, others see it as quite an honor, but for the wife of this man who was given such pure and honorable compliments and recognition, 'proud' barely scratches the surface. He puts Colossians 3:23 to practice daily. He gives 110% daily, to his students and to whatever other task is required of him. And believe me, there have been plenty. It's no small feat what my husband does everyday. In the classroom and outside of it as well. So much (and I mean SO much) of it goes unnoticed, sometimes taken for granted, and yes, sometimes even unappreciated. But you would never know it. His humbleness and steadfastness is reflected in his demeanor as he continues pressing on day after day as Mr. A. His words match his actions. His integrity and faith grounded in Truth. In my eyes, since the day he started teaching in Bloomington MN, he's always been teacher of the year--and always will be. I praise God daily for this man; praise Him for allowing me to be Mrs. A; praise Him for a man who isn't afraid to make mistakes and learn from them; and praise Him for providing a strong father-figure for our 3 sons. I know, I'm gushing...but this proud wife just can't help herself. :)

nice job Mr. A!!

So very proud of my man...and so very blessed to be his gal. :)
The various countdowns are now on for this family of five...trusting in the Lord, pursuing to faithfully walk in His steps as we continue moving forward toward each one!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mom's day out

I love being a mom. And if you didn't know by now, I love being a mom to boys. My boys. My three sons. As the five of us celebrated Mother's Day this year, there were chaotic moments, quiet moments, tearful laughter moments, plain old tearful moments, reflective moments. All of which piled into one heap of that overwhelming attitude of gratitude as I closed the day with more hugs and prayerful times with each of my sons.

Love my 3 handsome sons :)
Mother's Day is somewhat of a sensitive day--and I hesitate to make this post all drippy with gushing sentiments of what it means to be a mom. Although I've never gone through a miscarriage personally or felt the sting of longing for a child so deeply that it caused years of heartache amidst the waiting (and some are still waiting....) or know the painful depth of losing a child, I've walked beside plenty of women who have experienced these scenarios, among many others. I can't sympathize but I can empathize. And sometimes I just don't understand. In allowing God to write our stories He seldom lets us know what's written in the next chapter, let alone on the next page. It's easy to say "God's got it"'s another thing to believe it and live it. But many of the 'moms' in my life, they've done it. They've believed it. And they're living it. Whether they have 5 children of their own accord, are single and mentoring girls via Awana, or are in the midst of adopting 2 more children, they've allowed God to do the storytelling and it's quite the faith-story.

love these boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I pray the same can be said of this fam of five as we daily give God the pen, anxious to see what today's page might unfold in our story. I know there will be twists and turns and unexpected adventures (literally and figuratively!) because we've already experienced those. Such is a life lived for Jesus! 
mama and CJ--my helper at the Spring piano recital
And such is the ever-exciting life lived with boys as you head to the hills for the afternoon.
So very blessed!

Can't even express how much I love this guy....

these are the best kind of gifts!!! Thanks Carson!


Hi Mom!!

little lizard

We found a mine shaft!

Peeking inside....very carefully. :)

I held the camera down by my feet and snapped a pic of inside the mine shaft.

daddy and Mason

Love. My. Handsome. Gents!!!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Boys at play

Boys are loud. Boys are tough. Boys can melt a mama's heart one minute and cause it to have an attack the next. Boys love to play. Boys love to play hard. And I thoroughly enjoy to sit back at times and just watch them play. Their imaginations acted out come to life and are unique to the core. Their laughter makes me laugh. Especially Carson...he has the best chuckle. It's deep. And it's real. Just the other night it was the type of laughter that literally brought him to tears!! Pretty soon we were all crying.
Sprinkler time once again....

Enjoying some fudge pops on the swing set. :)


AA and MR...crazies. ;)

My Austin Alan.

Now that's a boy who loves some watermelon ;)
With the weather bouncing back and forth between spring and summer (I recall calling it sprummer last year...that about sums it up again) and even with the occasional dust and tumbleweed being tossed through the air thanks to the relentless wind, play was still at the heart of these Anderson boys. Sun-kissed cheeks and the beginnings of naturally highlighted hair are tell-tale signs the days are longer and warmer and being outside is at the top of the to-do list!
Carson heading to third!

Batter up! ;)
Even inside, the house was filled with wrestling mayhem, Star Wars drama, quieted times of coloring, made up games with large Lego tires, new forts being built, etc. I'm thankful for the lack of electronic gadgets in order for their imagination to be at it's best. I could go on this rant for paragraphs how social media is anything but 'social', but it would be lost in translation with all the other media out there covering this very topic. I've fallen prey at times to the engaging, and yet really not so "engaging", forms of media available at my fingertips. It's kindof amazing how quickly it draws oneself into it's mindless wanderings and how fast time lapses when staring at a screen. My boys get limited screen time because they know the value of play, the value of actual eye contact with family and with friends, the value of laughter while playing a game of UNO not candy crush (which I've never played it really that great?!), the valuable way a story just reads differently when the index finger turns the actual pages of a book rather than touches an icon, that value of being relational. Don't get me wrong, being able to have instant messages at my fingertips has it's advantages and I for one take great delight in getting those pictures of newborn nephews from MN 30 seconds after they are taken, a text from my mom that causes me to literally laugh out loud, the sweet encouragement from a dear friend, sending pics. of my boys (and vice versa) to family and friends who live states away. It definitely has it's advantages, but in today's ever technologically advancing world it's imperative that our boys are taught by example to keep their "eyes to the skies", not down and screen saved. My boys do get their fill of computer games from time to time but as their mom there is just something about watching them actually PLAY then "play"...
Swords in....

...Star Wars!!!!

Enjoying an evening as a fam!

hot cocoa around the fire

Pictures never do the sunsets justice around here. Breathtaking artistry by the Master Artist!

Give 'em Tools

Ever since Andy and I signed that purchase agreement making us the owners of our very first home on Brookview Drive in Burnsville, Minnesota...