Another hit for Carson |
heading to second! |
CJ and daddy at his 1st Grade Art Show! |
Carson's cat--his detail is incredible! (Bonhuer) |
Carson and Nanny by his Starry Night! (Van Gogh) |
CJ's dandelions "from a bird's eye view"...another little artist in the making!! (O'Keeffe) |
As the end of this school year wraps up, the Anderson boys have been the recipients of various awards. But as much as we enjoy receiving those tangible items, it's what lies behind those awards that matters most and is what makes this wife and mom most proud. Getting a ribbon or medal for finishing their Awana books is quite rewarding, but knowing they've implanted God's Word in their hearts and minds is by far the greater reward. It's fun getting a little trophy at the end of a sports season, but watching Carson in his teamwork and great sportsmanship are character qualities sure to outlast that baseball trophy.
Austin carried the American flag |
Carson with the AWANA flag |
our Cubbie bear on the end, singing his Cubbies song! |
mini-man Mason getting his first Awana award as a Cubbie :) |
Carson receiving his 2nd book award---and acknowledged for finishing the extra credit & Psalm 100!! |
Austin receiving his TNT medal/First book award! |
proud of our Awana boys...they memorized a lot of verses this year! |
Carson playing catcher for his last game! |
Ready to run home.... |
...score!!!! |
Proud of our little Giant! :) |
I do have to say a little something in lieu of my husband receiving the Teacher of the Year Award for Lowry High School. Some may disregard this as no big deal, others see it as quite an honor, but for the wife of this man who was given such pure and honorable compliments and recognition, 'proud' barely scratches the surface. He puts Colossians 3:23 to practice daily. He gives 110% daily, to his students and to whatever other task is required of him. And believe me, there have been plenty. It's no small feat what my husband does everyday. In the classroom and outside of it as well. So much (and I mean SO much) of it goes unnoticed, sometimes taken for granted, and yes, sometimes even unappreciated. But you would never know it. His humbleness and steadfastness is reflected in his demeanor as he continues pressing on day after day as Mr. A. His words match his actions. His integrity and faith grounded in Truth. In my eyes, since the day he started teaching in Bloomington MN, he's always been teacher of the year--and always will be. I praise God daily for this man; praise Him for allowing me to be Mrs. A; praise Him for a man who isn't afraid to make mistakes and learn from them; and praise Him for providing a strong father-figure for our 3 sons. I know, I'm gushing...but this proud wife just can't help herself. :)
nice job Mr. A!! |
So very proud of my man...and so very blessed to be his gal. :) |
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