Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mom's day out

I love being a mom. And if you didn't know by now, I love being a mom to boys. My boys. My three sons. As the five of us celebrated Mother's Day this year, there were chaotic moments, quiet moments, tearful laughter moments, plain old tearful moments, reflective moments. All of which piled into one heap of that overwhelming attitude of gratitude as I closed the day with more hugs and prayerful times with each of my sons.

Love my 3 handsome sons :)
Mother's Day is somewhat of a sensitive day--and I hesitate to make this post all drippy with gushing sentiments of what it means to be a mom. Although I've never gone through a miscarriage personally or felt the sting of longing for a child so deeply that it caused years of heartache amidst the waiting (and some are still waiting....) or know the painful depth of losing a child, I've walked beside plenty of women who have experienced these scenarios, among many others. I can't sympathize but I can empathize. And sometimes I just don't understand. In allowing God to write our stories He seldom lets us know what's written in the next chapter, let alone on the next page. It's easy to say "God's got it"'s another thing to believe it and live it. But many of the 'moms' in my life, they've done it. They've believed it. And they're living it. Whether they have 5 children of their own accord, are single and mentoring girls via Awana, or are in the midst of adopting 2 more children, they've allowed God to do the storytelling and it's quite the faith-story.

love these boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I pray the same can be said of this fam of five as we daily give God the pen, anxious to see what today's page might unfold in our story. I know there will be twists and turns and unexpected adventures (literally and figuratively!) because we've already experienced those. Such is a life lived for Jesus! 
mama and CJ--my helper at the Spring piano recital
And such is the ever-exciting life lived with boys as you head to the hills for the afternoon.
So very blessed!

Can't even express how much I love this guy....

these are the best kind of gifts!!! Thanks Carson!


Hi Mom!!

little lizard

We found a mine shaft!

Peeking inside....very carefully. :)

I held the camera down by my feet and snapped a pic of inside the mine shaft.

daddy and Mason

Love. My. Handsome. Gents!!!!!

1 comment:

Christa Forsythe said...

So glad you had a lovely day... you are such a woman of faith and how blessed your boys are to have you! Always say this, but I love the pics!

Give 'em Tools

Ever since Andy and I signed that purchase agreement making us the owners of our very first home on Brookview Drive in Burnsville, Minnesota...