Monday, October 13, 2014

Faith, Family, Friendships....more Fall!!

I'm tired. In all aspects. But it's a good tired. That kind where you've been drained mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally...but all for a purpose and most importantly for His glory. And once again, He gets the glory!!

Austin Alan :) (a few more family soccer pics from last Sat...)
Nan and Pap cheering on our soccer boys!
Pap and Carson

We've had a steady stream of activity with a little bit of 'life' thrown in the mix. Most of you know my true feelings on this highly UNafforadable Care Act and that we waited it out as long as we could before our insurance plan was no longer offered and we would be dropped...even though I liked it. (and by we, it's myself with my 3 sons) As we neared the 'end of the wire' to try and find something, hours (and I mean hours) were spent researching, calling, calculating, crying, more researching, more calling, get the jist. I had a momentary breakdown if you will, all the while knowing that God would provide. He's never lacked before and always come through so I knew this time wouldn't be any different. I didn't lack faith. I didn't lack trust. I just wanted the answer THAT day. Carson needs good coverage, and it was roadblock after roadblock. With a variety of medical bills adding up, the thought of what lies head with future surgeries and the already impending bills looming was more than I could bear. It had to be put to bed until clarity could resume and along with it, a heavier caffeine dosage and renewed sense of energy to do my part. After I assumed all resources were exhausted and every avenue explored, there was one more plan waiting in the wing that our Jehovah provided. Perfect timing yet again. Proverbs 3:5-6

WCF Harvest party!
love these ladies!! :)

Church family fun!!

Mason pointing to the outfield (thanks Mike!) and PM ready to run with Lilee!

sideline cheering section

yeah...these two...:)

mama/daughter duo :)

the beautiful party planners!

...& he got it!! :)
Austin bobbing for apples...

Caleb is just a little wet :)
Elisha with the mini-man!

time to eat!!
worshipping our Creator at sunset

PJ is three!!!
Happy Birthday PJ!!

cousins chilaxin :)

PJ & Nanny

Deer hunting success!!!
Austin got to hunt with daddy this year!!

Nice job Andy!! Love these handsome hunters of mine...

lunch spot!

Changing of seasons could coincide with changes that have become apparently necessary the more time is spent in God's Word and with ladies who are seeking that intimacy with the Father that is so desperately desired. It's never easy to watch the beautifully bold-colored leaves fall from the trees, leaving a blank spot for where they once blew, but it's necessary. It's never easy letting go of those things, those habits, those sins (yes...those too!) that we tend to cling to because it's comfortable. It's easy. Or easier. But the letting go is necessary. Growth can't occur otherwise. God is working in the hearts of so many that I'm blessed to walk heart included! Oh that we might remain steadfastly faithful all the way until the end...
women's Bible study this year, with renewed friendships and new ones!!

our backyard at sunset

With fall comes that pendulum swing of temperatures, so while we haven't had to break out the winter coats just yet (but enjoyed the sweatshirts a time or two!), we'll keep the windows open and ride those bikes as long as we can. But I have to admit that I recently spied those holiday coffee creamers lining the shelves. And it may have given just an ever-so-slight bit of excitement.....
Friday Night Lights with friends!!

soccer buds and cousins! :)

CJ's at it again!
Carson and Mason


mini-man thinks he's hot stuff now :)

another fall pic Andy took on their hunting excursion--SO gorgeous!

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