I post pictures, random at best, of details within our home so as to give a glimpse to my family that lives far away of what it looks like during the holidays, what new things are there that they didn't see the last time they visited, etc. They can't simply "stop on over" for that cup of coffee and in a way, this gives them a taste of 'home' they otherwise miss out on. You may think it's weird. For us it's another small way of staying connected. I post pictures of what we're doing and pictures of our family so again, those that don't live around the corner from us can feel like they're a 'part' of our days. I know, it may be a highlight reel from time to time. I'm ok with that. This blog is not like all the others you find on the internet with writings about the hottest and most debatable topic, the confrontable issues at hand, etc. I'll gladly talk about those.....just not always on here.
That being said, I'm a pretty transparent person. It may take a while before my heart is nearly fully exposed, and I'm learning to balance trusting carefully, but with the help of my Father, I'm usually pretty willing to share what I'm learning and the struggles I (or we) may be facing in hopes that it just might encourage one other person. You might not be that person. But someone out there is. And if only one "gets it" and walks away from reading with a smile and newfound hope and trust in the Lord, than every word written was worth it. I'm not shy about my faith. Neither is my God-fearing husband. And if you haven't figured out by now that our faith lies in the saving grace of Jesus Christ, than I'll shout it from the rooftops! We're living in times when black and white is getting more gray by the hour. Cultural norms are pulling at us in all directions and so many as followers of Jesus forget the foundation upon which they once stood, the Truth that used to guide. Choices we make on a daily basis could affect the eternal outcome of another. I don't mean to get all preachy, but I guess this would be one of those 'topics' that has been on the forefront of so many conversations. One that I guess I couldn't help but share a little bit of my heart. ;)
I also just like to write. The day I started this whole blog journey a few years ago, I made that sentiment known. I used to be an avid journaler--still am somewhat, but it's that 'time' thing we all lack and somehow think we need more of. Writing can even sometimes be a way of processing for me. There has been an occasional time or two when I sat right here and had quite the "chapter" written...only to delete it all because I had worked through whatever it was at the present moment that laid so heavy on my heart. I always try to write with a bit of Joy, as that IS what we are to choose daily ("Rejoice in the Lord always..."), usually with the intent to encourage someone, somewhere that may be reading this, and most often with a bit of 'rawness' to just be 'real.'
Most importantly, blogging has provided an avenue for me to share my faith...to share the love of Jesus with all of you, however that may look as we live day-to-day. It's not always a mountaintop for me/us, this walk of faith, but it's real. And it's continually growing as long as we keep listening and living in obedience.
1 comment:
Love how real you are and that your blog 'connects' us across the miles~ love you sista!
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