Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Sense of urgency

I can't really put a finger on it. Nor can I really decipher where it stemmed from as of lately. It's this feeling of having a sense of urgency.

Maybe it's because of the evil chaos that is slowly surrounding us on all sides---and I mean what used to just be mainly an 'overseas' concern has crept in within our own borders and for many, hit all too close to home. We question where God is in the midst of it all, why He's been "taken out" of so many institutions and places, and yet He's right here. And coming again! (Habbakuk 1:2-4) (Psalm 73:23-28) (Revelation 22:20-21) 
Another season of basketball for Austin!

He shoots...he scores!!
Maybe it's due to looking at and studying 1&2 Thessalonians with women whose lives are full and busy and messy and real and they remain altogether beautiful....yet this Gospel we possess doesn't "ring out" quite loud enough in word and deed. Guilty as charged. Will others know Him because of us? Will we rise up under pressure to proclaim His love boldly and confidently? Will we do it in secret when we think others aren't watching? Will the legacy we leave have a trail that leads back to Jesus and His grace.....
Playing basketball outside...in January....without even a jacket?! crazy 'winter' weather!
CJ, he can't wait to play!
MR, with the ups!

Maybe it's because my mind contains more anxiety than excitement at the thought of my eldest leaving behind innocent elementary years and all-too-soon waltzing his way into tumultuous middle school chaos. Things have changed since I was in 5th grade. I'm pretty sure the pressures are greater and the overall consensus would be it hasn't changed for the better. I question whether I'm equipped to handle it! But then again, I'm not. I'll be equipped to handle it through Him as long as my focus and priority remains fixing my eyes on Jesus.

"Parent -twin night" for Awana...such handsome "Mr. Anderson's"!
Carson and daddy going in for the pin!

Austin and his good friend Ryan A. :)

Another shot...another score!
Maybe this urgency comes with realizing Carson is over halfway done with his elem. career and will fulfill his big brother role even more so, as mini-man soon finds himself immersed into that same sea of playground madness. *sigh* Kindergarten awaits. He's excited. I'm prayerful. He's been ready for quite some time. I'm not.  
Sweet cousins :) (Mason & Aven)
I'm fairly certain a piece of it, this urgency, has to be the fact that cancer has taken over the body of one too many loved ones, family and dear friends alike. Their faith lies in question. Had I, had we, done enough to show God's love to them?
wrestle mania!!

sidewalk chalk!! In January?!
Austin's volcano
Carson's feelin' the love ;)

Far too many relationships are broken and strained, too many lovely people are unloved, so many questioning faith and being swayed by what sounds good and not the Truth, and as each day draws to a close it's another day closer to His return. Maybe that's really where this urgency comes from--in studying Biblical passages that very candidly describe the world around us today knowing His return is nearing; in not taking full advantage of moments given and instead, letting the moment pass without sharing Jesus....even just a little bit.
CJ & Joey
Mason playing "Old McDonald"

And I'm pretty sure it's watching these three handsome gents grow up all too quickly and pleading with my Savior that they be grounded in the Grace and Truth of Jesus. And making sure that our dinner table is a breeding ground for conversations that lead to Truth, lead to learning and loving and ultimately living out the Gospel.

our 3 crazies...
I don't know where you are today, I don't know if you know Jesus! But either way, while I was writing these very sentences, this song came across the airwaves (I love listening to KTIS!) and I couldn't help but share the words, praying they resonate with your heart today. They did to mine. And as the eyes turned, a tear escaped. All because of His Grace.
(Turn Your Eyes by Nichole Nordeman)
Oh weary mind, Oh troubled soul
All the broken pieces that You hold
Turn them over, give them up
And then watch what Jesus does

Oh heavy heart, oh heavy load
Lay it down and let it go
Leave your broken yesterdays
In the open arms of grace

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And watch the world grow dim
Standing next to him
In the light of His glory and grace

Oh frozen hope, oh broken dreams
Just like a boat tossed on the raging seas
You will walk on waves again
When you have set your gaze on Him

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And watch the world grow dim standing next to Him
In the light of His glory and grace

So look up, look up
This is a song about the morning
After a long night
So look up, look up
This is a song about believing
It’s gonna be alright, when you

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
I want to grow dim
Standing next to Him
In the light of His glory and grace

Friday, January 9, 2015

Another new year!

The boys and hubby are back at school and the house is once again obscenely quiet...even with Mason's constant chatter. As much as I may not like the lack of laughter and busy-bodies filling the now emptier space of these four walls from the hours of 8-3, it brings me back to my knees even more so as I put to practice 1 Thess. 5:17 more intently. And it allows the routine of activities to resume with renewed fervor and excitement. Basketball is underway for Austin, Awana is back in session, upcoming birthday celebrations are on the calendar, Andy's busy schedule back in order, various appointments made...the usual run-of-the-mill daily life is alive and well and through it all our goal remains the same: to live an authentic life of faith in light of eternity. 
constant laughter :)

wrestle mania!!

snuggles with my mini-man...
...all day long! :)

melt this mama's heart!!
With the start of a new year also comes the start of a new women's Bible study. I think it's my favorite part of Wednesday's, meeting with women who are eager to learn God's Word and share in each other's struggles and joys as we live out God's calling on each of our lives and how best to encourage each other in that direction. And to flat out just encourage each other! Alongside a healthy dosage of laughter and coffee of course...

The new year also gives pause to reflections of the past year of one's life, the good, the bad, the ugly and everything in-between. As I penned a list of things on both ends of the spectrum, praying that God would reveal what it is He had been teaching me through all of those events/items/relationships/etc. over this past year, He very clearly showed me something that can be easy to forget. Easy to forget when we try to take control of situations, seek to manipulate things for our own personal gain or for our own comforts. It's something we say and know but when seen how it's woven together through the fabric of what happened over the course of a year, it's pretty awesome. The simple statement running through my mind resonating like a broken record player was boldly this: God is in the details! But it actually sounded more like: God is IN the DE-TAILS!! Within those things listed, when broken down into finite morsels, God's hand was evident...not coincidence, not karma, not chance....GOD'S hand.
he seems way more grown up lately :/

mini-grandpa :)
I pray that as we make our way, and rather quickly already it seems, through 2015 that I will pause quick enough, yet long enough, to see those details as His story continues to be written for this family of five. Even on days when obstacles can fog up the vision, its sights like this that take your breath away in the vastness of a perfectly painted sunset sky. It causes the stress, the worries, the cares of this world to fade away, even if only for a moment as the pink and orange and red hues fade into the black of night. He reigns. And His kingdom will reign forever. Kingdom-minded...a forever goal as we see the details in the bigger picture this coming year.
unfiltered sunset from our back porch. These never get old!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Merry Christmas 2014 & Happy New Year 2015!!!

I guess I've been a bit neglecting to the posting of the Anderson FFof5 happenings! No worries. I'll get you all caught up on the Christmas pics, the intensely wintery yet exceedingly great visit to Salt Lake City, and the ringing-in of the new year with a highly anticipated surprise visit by my parents!! See?? Now you know why the lack of communication from this standpoint. ;)
(and once again, the forewarning that this could be quite lengthy so go grab your coffee now....... no seriously, settle in......)

We'll start right where we left off...Christmasing in full swing! :)

putting together the cookie plates to deliver!!

walking to the neighbors this year...than it was off to a variety of other homes!

Christmas Eve
OH! Be still my heart...

My absolute favorite guy :)

Christmas Eve service--Mason was Caesar,
Carson was a shepherd, and Austin was Joseph!
traditional Christmas Eve present!!

Yep...I can still get away with the  matching pj's ;)
Christmas Day!!!

There's something serene about taking in those dancing Christmas lights in the
early morning hours while sipping coffee with your favorite while the boys are still asleep... 

one of my favorite sights...the boys' gifts to each other :)

the many 'faces' of Christmas morning...sheer delight! (and a few squeals...) 

this would be the 'squeal' :)

Christmas with the Anderson fam!
Now those are some good lookin' cousins ;)


Updated pics of the grandkids!!!

oldest and youngest cousin! (Austin and Joey)

I heart him....

Anderson family!!!

Pappy & Nanny with their grandkids!!
When there's a big box......;)

Carson & Joey

our ninja turtle :)

finally relaxing with the hubs ;)
It was only 2 days after Christmas when I got the call that my parents were driving west...farther west than they had been together in years...headed for my sister's home in Montana first and then traveling on to the Anderson's!!! For this girl, it was a trip that was a long-time in the making. Especially at this time of year. Seeing images of what Christmas looked like around our home as of lately was simply a picture in mama's mind. But one that became a reality. Real relaxation occurred and for a few brief days, farm life was set aside. Giggles ensued. Games were played. Good food consumed. Coffee sipped. Deep memories made. Three grandsons loving being surrounded by both 'sides', even if only for a few hours....a scene that will cease to play out randomly but rather consistently once we're Heaven-side!  Having both mom and dad back in our home was altogether special and of course, never long enough. But it was a surprise visit met with eagerly wide-open arms and it was quite the way to ring in the new year!!!

Couple that surprise with the wonderful news that there is currently no regrowth of the cyst in Carson's left ear and we were all on cloud 9! The visit to Salt Lake was intensely great, and we had flurries of reasons to count our blessings. ;) God's protection surrounded us on all sides!!! Carson will have surgery this coming summer, but it's the surgery we've been waiting 4 years for...to reconstruct the inner ear and give our boy the hearing he's been missing. :) Enjoy the last section of pics.....

the beginning of a snowy day of driving...5 hours turned into 8...

sitting...in Salt Lake...

...missing a 20-car pile up by minutes...thank you Lord for your protection!

Mason can't get enough of this!
Mom & Dad Carlson are here!!!!!!!!!
eating at their favorite place...The Martin!

love being goofy with this crazy gal ;)

Grandma and grandsons playing "Headbandz"

we had a case of the giggles :)

Happy New Year!!!

So fun being with both sets of parents!! A fun afternoon :)

a cherished picture :)

playing a little I Spy with Grandma

Yeah...these two ;)
As we enter into 2015, the reflection on the year past has started and goals for the next 12 months are being thought out. I'll probably share a bit more on that later, but I have a feeling your coffee is cold. Mine is. And there is some Reindeer blend in the Bunn that needs to be poured....as well as some handsome gents that are still on break....Happy New Year!! :)

Christmas 2014!!

Give 'em Tools

Ever since Andy and I signed that purchase agreement making us the owners of our very first home on Brookview Drive in Burnsville, Minnesota...