Friday, August 29, 2014


I have a love-hate relationship with that first day of school. I have yet to make it through day one without a few tears falling and I don't see that happening all too soon. Summer always ends with a swift wave of it's hand, and even though there are fleeting moments during those dog daze of summer when I wish I could ship my boys off somewhere, I miss them during the day. Truly. I do.

traditional French toast breakfast for the first day!

Austin--4th grader!! Carson--2nd grader!!

my mini-men!!!!

love my school boys!!!
successful first day!! :)

the boys loved that mom & dad had homework, but they did not ;)
Fall routine has found it's way back into our grips once again with a few minor changes here and there. The soccer cleats are dusted off, all three pair, and a coach's whistle hangs around my neck this year (for Carson's team)...yikes! The Awana uniforms are hanging near the front of the boys' closets, Bible study books ordered and already the reading/studying has begun, hunting plans in the making for my hubs, piano students slowly filing back into our living room, various church activities gearing up, Lowry football paraphernalia ready for Friday nights, etc. Fall-feeling is in the air. The days are warm, the early mornings greeted with that distinctive crisp chill. But I think the fall décor will sit tight for just a little while longer. ;)
my helper while the brothers are at school
 Mason and I are finding our own routine once again. How is it that this little man only has one more year before he's off and into that sea of madness on the playground?! Don't even get me started..... I've already warned my dear mother-in-law that I'll be a wreck on that first day when I show up for the traditional 'drown our first-day-school sorrows in donuts & coffee'.....
some goofiness after reading a few library books :)

my buddy...and lil charmer.....
We had a great week of back-to-school hype but for this extended Labor Day weekend, I'll enjoy the slowing down and the semi-laze before the pace of life really picks back up.
We love lazy mornings in order to enjoy these homemade circles of goodness...
Have I mentioned yet how much I love these boys of mine?!?! :)

legos everywhere!

And as a way of Carson update...he's back to his old self. The cotton still remains for drainage, but we got his glasses on again yesterday!! Yay! It's the little things. :) Thanks again for your continued prayers, calls, texts, etc. God has been so faithful in providing for a variety of things in His unique ways! We praise Him for continuing to carry us through each day.

Friday, August 22, 2014


Recovery mode. Especially for our Carson Jeffrey who just underwent another ear surgery. I alluded to it previously and now we're on the other side of it.

Our referral to Dr. Shelton (a specialist) at the University of Utah hospital has been met nothing short of any expectations we may have had. Exceeding actually.

Prepped and ready for surgery!!
Carson's surgery was a success, and in Dr. Shelton's own words, stated a few times following: "it couldn't have gone better.....I was very couldn't have gone more smoothly." He was able to remove all of the cholesteatoma that had grown back since the last surgery, getting at the root of it, and with an evident confidence in his voice said, "it ain't growing back!" Carson's ear drum contained a lot of scar tissue build up so he "tossed it out" and put a plastic one in place. The team of doctors and nurses that worked alongside him was nothing short of professional, making sure at every turn we were informed, comfortable, had questions answered, etc. Recovery following surgery was what we anticipated as far as Carson's waking up from anesthesia, his battling the nausea and sickness....didn't make it any easier to watch our son be in so much discomfort, but we were prepared. And BOTH Andy and I were able to be in the recovery with him from start to finish, something we hadn't been able to do with his previous surgeries! The nurses had such a caring bedside manner, were very accommodating, and made all the transitions as smooth as possible for the three of us. As you can tell, despite the exhaustion of the day overall and those tick-tocking moments of waiting during surgery, our experience this time around was the best we've had so far. Quite a difference from surgery number 1 to surgery number 4. And God gets all the glory. He continues to carry us through. Joshua 1:9 has been our 'go-to' verse of comfort this time around. We rest in His continuing of unfolding Carson's story in His way...yet confident in the doctor's skilled hands in looking toward the next phase.
taking a good rest with daddy--that helped a lot!
working on a popsicle...that came up later :/

ready to go home!!
And now, Carson is recovering. He's swollen. And sore. And still not quite himself. But he's a little fighter and ready to move forward. Our post-op appt. will be later in Sept...yes, another drive to SLC...and at this point, another surgery next summer to finally do the reconstruction phase. From there, hearing will hopefully be restored and, Lord willing, another chapter to Carson's story complete.
working on some legos...still not himself, but getting better!
For the rest of this faith-family, we are still in somewhat of a 'recovery mode' after our summer trek to MN, MT, and back again. The missing of family and friends never really goes away, just suppressed a bit more.

He was born August 11th!!
our new precious nephew--Joseph Albert Hinton!

Enjoying one more day at the outdoor pool with cousin Daniel!! (pre-surgery)
And I'm pretty sure I'm in a 'pre-recovery mode' just by thinking ahead to that first day of school, which happens to be Monday. :/ The school supplies are bought. The backpacks already hanging on the doorknobs. School lunch ingredients stashed in the fridge. The Kleenex stowed away in the van. *sigh*

Friday, August 15, 2014

Minnesota summer video format!

Often times it's hard to put into words how much I truly love my amazing husband. This would be one of those times. I knew he was up to something these past 7 weeks with his random videoing, asking me to video certain things and places, wanting certain pictures, etc. But I had no idea it would result in this!! If you have about 15 minutes, grab an iced tea, some coffee perhaps, and if you're family...a Kleenex or two might not be a bad idea. ;)  I have yet to make it through watching this without a host of teardrops falling. Priceless. Simply priceless. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Another Magnificent Minnesota summer!!

It's another summer re-cap of our weeks spent at 'home' in Minnesota. I debated about doing some blogging while there like I have done in years past, but not every picture needs to be exposed nor every story re-told. Some things are better left at the kitchen table. :)
coffee talk with Grandpa
"morning meeting" ;)
I will say that throughout these past weeks, God was at His continuing work in our hearts, drawing us closer to Himself as we shared experiences together and independently. Always growing us. Continually stretching us. 

We did our expected annual adventures, added a few, made more crazy memories, saw new sights, we laughed, we cried, we laughed until we cried, sipped on countless cups of coffee, and drank in the time we had together with so many whom we love so dearly. 

Farm Life
Mason watching from a distance

Uncle Keith and Mason

Mason and Anna
happy 4th from the farm!

Playing in the treehouse--Anderson/Mulvihill boys!
swim time!

Amy and KJ

These boys love their ice cream!!!

creek 'fishing'

lots of time spent swimming with the cousins!
my handsome gents!! :)

planting corn!
storm rolling in!

eerie lookin clouds.....

crazy cousins :)

daddy and Carson

Keith and Clara--up a creek...

Well, that's one way to play baseball--farm style...(mason and uncle Jim)

He hit it! (and then ran...and ran...and ran.....)

4-wheelin with Grandpa! (CJ and MR)

uncle Keith and Mason were buds!

like I said...a lot of time spent in the creek! (almost daily)

more coffee chat...

Grandma with her farmer grandsons!

Carson and Warren

riding on the hay's a balancing act ;)

daddy and Mason in the bobcat--Mason's favorite vehicle on the farm I'm pretty sure.

Austin going for a ride!

uncle Keith leading Carson!

yep..more coffee...

morning ride!! (Anna, Clara, And, Kendra, Keith)

ridin' with my man!

again...they were buds :)

and yes...more coffee chat....:)

...and more 4-wheelin...

Impromptu swimming--when it's too hot to work, we swim! "redneck style"...haha!!

...and still more coffee!! :)
A daily visitor just over the hill


my campers for the week...Carson and Austin!!!

Carson was pretty excited about spending the night this year!

Austin, Carson, and cousin Warren

love my gals--Charity and Clara!
having dinner with my boys on their last night of camp!

They had a great week!!! Already talking about next summer :)

I reunited with one of my dearest of friends in our favorite place--GLBC of course!

BWCA Mulvihill/Anderson camping
     Sawbill Lake: As way of a little background for ya, this was the same campground that Andy and I would go to every summer the first few years we were married w/o children. We've talked about bringing our boys to one of our absolute favorite places to go camping and this year, it happened! With one of our absolute favorite families!! We're thinking this may just become a yearly tradition....
Sunset over Sawbill and the nightly view we had. How can people say there is no God?!?!

The Anderson/Mulvihill little gents :)

best of friends!

the Mulvi's finally got their hands on some Anderson mugs. :)

Ames and little Timmy!!
things are gettin crazy around here....

camping baseball at it's finest :)

yeah CJ!

swimming in Sawbill!!!

yes, that would be Mason!
Love this girl! :)

swimming away...despite how cold it was, or wasn't depending on who you ask. :)

fathers and eldest sons out for a canoe ride!

one of my absolute favorite pictures of the summer--Andy and Jake out for some night fishing.

meanwhile, back at camp...

the boys out for a day of fishing and some portaging! (Andy, Carson, Drew, Jake)

And they're off!!!

And they're back!

Anderson five

Mulvi five

campsite number five! :)

A GREAT extended weekend camping together! :) Love you Mulvi's!!!!!

Loved camping with our our favorite spot! :)
MOA/Como Zoo/Twin cities stay

love me some sista time!! :)

EP Splash park!

Swimming...again...but this time in a different lake! :)

bedtime stories with Auntie Karla! :)

Austin and Camden
Carson and Isaac
snuggles with my Isaac! (I LOVE this great-auntie gig!)

giggles with my Cam!

Cam trying out the trampoline with his nana and crazy cousins

Jordan's got some ups!! ;)

Ice Cream our pj' much fun at the Freemark's!

zebras at Como Zoo!

the tiger is below--he finally came out to say hi

Como with my love!

Como Zoo!

Mall of America day!

It's tradition to get Coldstone at the MOA!

A visit with firefighter Jon!!

Jayson and Carson

those infamous red busses in Glacier!

Glacier National Park!

sisters....KJ & Kari

the hike to Hidden Lake...long but totally worth it!

a little stop to play in the snow! :)

simply breath-taking at every turn!!!!

Kari and her boys!
mountain goats everywhere--up close and personal too!

daddy and Mason

pictures just don't do it justice--go see it firsthand!!

MN Twins fans! (Jon and my boys)

bridal shower--Kari, Jen, Mama, KJ

the "Aunts" Bridal shower for Jen!

swimming in flathead lake

God's promise!

wedding time! Mama and her daughters...together again! LOVE!!!!!

Grandma...with some serious protection ;) (Gallatin grands with their Gma)

Jon giving the 3 boys  little ride!

Mr. and Mrs. Seifert!!!

My handsome little gents :)
the bride with her favorite aunts :)

Mason and Grandma

father/daughter dance

we're so tough ;)
All about F-A-M-I-L-Y

on our way to MN...swim time!

Mt. Rushmore!

we bonded right away ;)  (KJ & Isaac)

Rodeo time!!!
Mason won a bike at the rodeo!! (you can ask us about the story behind that one....)
my little cowboy
hands up ready to catch a t-shirt!
Warren and Carson

family everywhere--love it!!

Great-gpa with Isaac
Great-gpa with Camden

daddy and daughter :)

Mason and daddy

walking across the lift bridge in Duluth!
we saw quite a few ships that day pass beneath the bridge!

lovin' some 'Bou with my Love! :)

lake superior shores


Great-gma with Camden
Great-gma with Isaac
Happy Grandparents with their happy grands!! :)

Grandma with Mason & Carson

love my Charity! :)

road trip with Grandma...and our last Caribou of the summer! Cheers! :)

world's largest buffalo in Jamestown!

mother/daughter moments :)

family photo!

had a blast with this couple! Love ya Jon and Angela!

Family photo op in Montana :)

The unpacking is well underway and continues with a sideline of tears. We hate leaving family and friends behind, but in the same token it's good to be back here with family and friends. Bittersweet. It makes the anticipation even greater for our Heavenly home where goodbyes will be no more!!!!

Give 'em Tools

Ever since Andy and I signed that purchase agreement making us the owners of our very first home on Brookview Drive in Burnsville, Minnesota...