Thursday, July 28, 2016

Minnesota Bound!

I've cried a lot lately. No. I mean, a L.O.T.  We both have.

Sad tears. Happy tears. Frustrated tears. Excited tears. "I'm cryin' for no good reason" tears. Soon-to-be-missing-my-peeps tears. Can't-wait-to-see-my-peeps tears! Anxious about a new job tears. Overwhelmed. On many levels in many differing ways. In the form of tears. 

I don't know about you, but when faced with obstacles that seem insurmountable, even though you're doing your best to keep that faithful, steadfast mindset on the Lord and His plan, it can raise a lot of questions. Specifically in that form of 'why'. 

Why now? Why this? Why did we have to wait so long? Why can't it just work out? Why is there so much dramatic difficulty when You are clearly leading? Why must there be a new daily stress

There have been literal moments of crying out to God: How much more faith do you need from us to show you that we are 'real', that we are "In this" for the long haul?? If I were to show you the endless list of emails and documents sent back and forth between buying/selling parties and realtors and lenders in both NV and MN since the last post I wrote, it would probably make more sense as to these 'obstacles' I'm referring to, but you'll just have to trust us on this one. It's a bit ridiculous. Almost comical, if you will! But it's been our recent reality, front and center. And for many days it felt unending as phones dinged and ringed beckoning our immediate attention to address the specific need, ahem..problem, at hand. This has not been the average smooth-sailing, typical purchasing a home story--even those who have been working closely with us from the beginning recently referred to Andy and I as "being put through the ringer." Just when things seem to be moving forward, another sharp right turn is thrust our way. And we are once again knocked to our knees in earnest prayer but still rejoicing to the One who is leading. 
Packing break--a fun night together as a fam of five!!
Peek-a -boo
Slowly being overtaken by boxes...

Tears welled up and overtook my face as we overcame one mountain only to find that the way down the other side wasn't anywhere close--there was a whole new way around this next mountain. But we didn't have the map. We found ourselves a lot like Peter--just stepping out onto that water from the stormy, rocking boat and literally taking one. step. at. a. time. We could only continue doing what we've done up to this point. A lot of time on our knees. Times of pouring over Scripture, praying over that Scripture and claiming it as God's solid Truth. Comfort. Peace. A solace in Him that was unexplainable but undeniably real to the core as we belted out those lyrics to "Oceans" through worship on Sunday morning nearly two weeks ago.

Some of my peeps that I'm going to miss oh-so-dearly!! Love these the core...
Beating the heat with an afternoon family movie--and for a buck! We'll take it. :)

Some of you know first hand, whether through face-to-face coffee dates, or added up hours of phone conversations, the unscripted details Andy and I found ourselves in, and continue to find ourselves in, when dealing with the ins and outs of that whole buying/selling homes, states apart, simultaneously. And you know the tears we have cried when God, and ONLY God, could have weaved those literal 'out of our hands' detailings together so perfectly, so timely, that really...all those involved had no explanation. We did. THAT'S GOD!! People advocating for us in ways that here again, only God could have orchestrated. And to think, He had this all in play from the very get-go. All we needed to do was trust. Easier said than done (I'm sure I heard an "Amen" out there on that one...), but when it's 'done', it awesome. Go God!!!!


Tender tears have fallen because we knew, and still know, "goodbyes" loomed and are looming. I've refused to call them that however, and I simply say it's a lengthy 'see ya later.' Things won't be the same. Change is hard. Change is unwelcoming for many. Ok. For most. But to get a little personal, if I may, when God is in charge of the change there's a certain comfort amidst those agonizing 'see-ya-laters', even in knowing the norm will not be the norm soon. Even though we may have cried streams of tears lately due to some of those 'see-ya-laters' with family and friends, we are beyond thankful for the encouragement and prayers (literal, prayers over Andy and I) as we seek the road ahead that God has clearly called us to travel.

Carson & Daniel
Carson getting Joey to laugh ;)

The boy cousins!
The Anderson cousins!! :)

Aven, Jovi, & Austin
Bros :)
Nanny & Pappy with their Grandkids!! :)

Mason showin' his stuff

Kyle & Jen & their girls!
Mitch & Heather & their boys!

Church luncheon in order to say those 'see-ya-laters' (insert tears...)

This gal...a treasured friend indeed! (love ya Kelly!)
Thankfully, the abundance of those tears have been readily replaced with laughter off on and on throughout the chaos. Some days, most days in fact, it's the only way we got through. As we focused on the packing, the precious times together with family and friends, and the silly randomness of these past weeks, laughter became the norm. And it was a welcome relief!! Oh, the tears still fell because the love and the care runs so deep and because, well, crying has got to be one of my talents I've come to conclude. If it's not, well by golly than crying is one of those things I'm just naturally good at doing. ;)

There was an abundance of 'hide & seek' before these boxes were stuffed!
It's gettin' real people... Oh. My. Stuff!!!
A little fun with packing & bubble-wrap...
...and newspaper. He scores!!

Our reality lately...
Such troopers as their stuff is slowly being packed away...
...but that also means crazy fort-fun!!! :)
Austin "hiding" during a little hide-&-seek with his brothers
A movie for a buck! Daniel & Carson :)
Carson and his buddy Jace :)
A swimming day with some friends!

Moving has been testing. On sooooooo many levels. Testing our hearts, our minds, our trust, our relationships, our patience, our ability to roll with each new dramatic stress that still seems to awaken with each new day. But it's also testing our endurance to stay focused on the bigger picture, those daily blessings, the beckoning goodness in all of the chaos. Living on faith and living with hearts and hands completely open to God's leading is exactly what this family of five is all about!! 
Insert a little side note if you will: that may make me a bit nervously excited about what the future holds for our three gents. I'm a family gal--so the thought of my boys not being close to me and their daddy is a bit, um, unsettling. But how can I question, if, Lord willing, these three handsome gents of ours follow God's calling on their matter where it may take them?!? To know that GOD is the only One they answer to, that living obediently to Him first and foremost beats all others, no matter where He may call them someday, than in that, we will rejoice!!

No's like glorified camping!! haha! ;)

And with all that being said, this family of five is Minnesota Bound!!!! In just a few days!!! Hearts full to overflowing to begin our teaching at Legacy Christian Academy. We have no idea what God has planned, how He'll use us in and beyond the classrooms, how long we'll be there, we just know this...God's in charge. We're His children. It's another step for this FFof5 as we remain Kingdom-minded. Thank you for praying, for encouraging, for supporting, for loving on the five of us throughout. Keep on in this journey with us!! :) 

I'll go anywhere with this fella of mine!!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Hurry up and wait....

Can I dare to be so blunt for just a second? Moving is hard. Moving across state-lines is even harder. It's stressful. It's work. It's hard work. It's really hard work. It's tedious. It's taxing. It's all-consuming for the heart and the mind. It brings out the best and the worst. It's challenging. It's a marriage come-betweener. But also a marriage strengthener. If you're willing to let it be. 

Maybe it's because, like most people, we want things lined out perfectly and in accordance with our timeline. Because that obviously makes the most sense--our timing makes sense. Completely. We've got this thing figured out. If all the phone calls and appraisals and piles of paperwork and oodles of what seems to be over-the-top nonsense signatures and initializing would take place when we think it should happen, than we wouldn't be this stressed out. This worn out. This......exhausted. 

But don't forget to add in the fact that all these signatures and faxes and e-signatures and timelines and phone calls between realtors, lenders, family members, schools, etc. are taking place as we are simultaneously selling our NV home while purchasing our MN home. Frustrations mounting as clearly one process is outracing the other. At one point there was even high hopes of both crossing the finish line at the same time. Maybe. But as we came to somewhat of a 'hault' in both the buying and selling phases, that photo finish was diminishing. It's kinda like being stuck on I-35 in Minnesota during rush hour. A lot of speed up and slow down. Then braking. A lot of hurry up and wait.

Throw in the mix of all the home hupla, the record number of things needing to get done since a job change would also be occurring. The boys' records transferred, new emails to set up for both Andy and I, forms to fill out, applications to complete and rooms to look over just to name a few things. And it only makes sense that we would take care of some of that business in person while being in MN for only 3 weeks. (But there is still much to do in that regard) Is your head spinning yet?  

Mind overload. Caffeinating by the gallons. Sleep? Clearly over-rated as of lately. 
Minnesota Bound! Stopping in one of our favorite little towns: Walnut, IA
That was basically us for nearly 3 weeks straight as we pushed through each new stress, each new hurdle that popped up out of nowhere that needed to be cleared first before we could get over the next one. And we did so with a lot of tears, sporadic laughter, many prayers and praises, family & friends' encouragement, and a whole lotta coffee!! We ventured to MN to take part in 2 very fantastically fun family reunions, one weekend after the next, house hunting in-between. I don't remember a time when our faith has been stretched soooo strongly in soooo many varying directions! And yet even when we could hardly take one more phone call, one more day of waiting for a specific phone call, one more initialing of a document, one more uncanny bump in the road, God's faithfulness never wavered. That I can say with full confidence. His presence never faded.
Here we go!!

Morris & Darlene Carlson Family Reunion 2016!!
Dad & Mom and their 6 crazies--literally-- (Kari, Kevin, Karla, Dad, Mom, Keith, Kenny, Kendra)
Some scheming about escaping--"let's just leave 'em" ;)
6 kids and spouses!
Gramps & Grams with their Grandkids!(now there's a mischievous bunch...haha! But seriously...)
And of course the Grands with their spouses! (minus one...we missed you Ryan N.!)
The Fam!!!!
no, it's not the hokey-pokey, we are actually praying. ;) So blessed!!!

Kevin proving he really can (ahem...could) dunk a basketball!
Auntie Charity with sweet Madelyn  ;)

Some of the Carlson parking lot
Camden & Issac
Gramps and Grams with the Great-grands!!!!
Baby hilarity ;) (rather the moms in the background trying to get all these kids to look and smile!)
Just having a little sibling fun!!
"Wait for me! Wait for me!" hahahahaha!

A Minnesota thunderstorm in all it's glory. Although there was a strike that took me back to my sophomore year in high school (my parent's house fire)...the eerie sound of the electricity in the air heard around midnight, the half-second before the lightning flashed and a millisecond later the thunder came crashing. A pile of us congregated in the kitchen to watch the night-light show before us. (my hubby took these awesome pics--no filter or editing whatsoever! Craziness. And beauty.)

it looked like daylight!
Just. Awesome.
Happy Father's Day!!!
Love this Great-Auntie gig!!!
cousins enjoying lunch in the tree-fort!

Carlson/Swanson Reunion 2016

Carlson/Swanson family--even missing quite a few. What a heritage and legacy!!!!
Thee First Cousins! ;)
The remaining 4 of the 6 Carlson siblings! (Johnny, Rich, Morris, Marlys...)
And their kids---First cousins! (missing 3...)
First cousins--the gals!! 

Had to get a Sister Picture!! ;)
A mama & her daughters---oh the crazy close bond we share. None like it! ;) Luvs!!
But then there's this crazy cuz of mine--sure love ya Johnna!! Bunches! ;)
Game time!!

Carson & Uncle Rich--who gave such wisdom & encouragement thru Carson's journey & surgeries! Love you!

cousin creek fun!!
of course uncle Johnny would get in with the kiddos...;) Loved it!
uncle Rich with his gorgeous girls!
go Auntie Marlys!!! :) Softball--farm style! But with legit fielding regulations!!

Nice hit Carson!!
The storm rolling in as we headed to the church to end the day!
The family altogether to end a pretty fantastic day/weekend!!

As many times as I've stated it, I'll sing the same song and dance again: God is in the details. And just as He has done from the very start of this chapter of our story, He absolutely blew us away at times with how His hand was clearly leading. Don't worry, I'll give you a few of those details because He deserves all the glory and credit...and because I want your arms to be filled with goosebumps just like ours were and continue to be. I want that smile to creep across your face as it did ours, sometimes with laughter directly behind it, because it was a moment when all we could say was, "that's God!" 

With both reunions on the weekend, we took to the cities for 3 days during the week in-between to meet with our realtor (.... the same realtor we worked with 11 years ago when we moved to NV...that's God!). Going with open minds, we weren't anticipating to find "that house" but we knew the real potential of one of them before the house hunting day arrived. And with that, house #3 of that first day became one we knew we had to make an offer on. So we did. But not without some strenuous contemplative pros and cons, heartfelt prayers, and a final leap of faith. And maybe a stressed meltdown or two (my sweet sisters were witness to that one...).

Our future Nowthen, Minnesota (which is also Anoka)
After hours of conversation and more time on our knees, we made the offer that next morning, which happened to be the morning of our 14th wedding anniversary. That's gotta count for something, right? Why not put an offer on a potential house as a "happy 14th anniversary honey"?! (is a house even in the line-up of anniversary gifts....???) 
14 years strong!! And going stronger...
Still captivated by him...

And then the call came. Right before our night out to dinner, our realtor's name appeared on Andy's cell phone. His exact words were: "well, there's been another offer. And it was a cash offer." Not gonna lie, two hearts might have sank just a little at that...but then came this: "But she took your offer! And that never happens when a cash offer is involved." Naturally, those goosebumps and a few tears appeared and all we could say was "That's God!!!!" Needless to say, our anniversary dinner tasted especially good that night.

We continued to look at other homes, 5 to be exact, the very next day even, but none were comparable to what we found on Waco Street. Even in the looking, God was affirming of the home we had set our sights on and now it was a matter of 'hurry up and wait' until inspection was complete and the lending process could begin. That alone has details written only in God's handwriting.

Mason watching the cattle

out to breakfast!

As I looked back on the journal I kept during all of this, my head was spinning to think of all that was happening--documents we suddenly needed to provide, and were able to regardless of phone calls to school districts and banks and forms filled out and papers signed & faxed. There were so many times when we wanted to know what was ahead, how long things would take, when we would have the specific answers we were looking for, but God never gave us more details than we needed to know at the time. The waiting was antagonizing at times. And still is!! But then I was greatly, yet gently, reminded of how God very often only lights our path so far in advance. While sitting in church one Sunday, in Hinckley MN, the pastor made just a few comments on that very thing--to not look or plan so far in advance, or we'll miss what God has right in front of us at our feet. Psalm 119:105 talks about His Word being a lamp unto our feet--a lamp, which provides ample lighting for what's directly in front of us. Not a flashlight, which would would give a greater light farther down the path. If we had that, then we may miss the log smack dab in front of us that our feet would cause us to trip over. Those words still echo in my ears as even as I type this as we selfishly long to see farther down the path than God's lamp is shining right now. But God is literally giving us what we need to know for today, one a day at a time...most of the time! We're anxious to know the details of appraisal and equity on our NV home; anxious to know costs of improvements and timelines to our new home; anxious of feeling settled into a new school, new home, new community; anxious of finding a new church family.

cousins and their kittens ;)
But God's Word promises us this: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

We may not have all the immediate answers we crave and desire but God's peace prevails. And that's all we truly need.

Canada bound boys!! :)

Anderson and Mulvihill boys!

Carson is one serious lil' fisherman!

The crew!!
Canadian beauty!!
I will admit that in all of this 'hurry up and wait', the processing still continues. It's processing the actuality of this move taking place. It's processing the bittersweetness of moving away from family and close friends and moving closer to family and close friends. It's a processing of the timing, the packing and the unpacking, the running to-do list that more often than not runs faster than a hamster on it's ever-spinning wheel. It's processing how our 3 gents are doing and the fact that they're taking it all in stride. It's taking the actual process with all it's curves and loopholes and upside-down roller coaster moves before the Lord in constant surrender to HIS will....not ours. Processing, in so many ways. As we watched the Olympic trials in our hotel room on the way back home to NV from being home in MN, one competitor stated that one of the biggest lessons she learned was that "God's delays aren't necessarily his denials." That was enough to send the tears stinging as we've felt those delays. 

Emotions are taxed. On soooo many levels. But laughter still ensues. Coffee still consumed. Insistence on making this as fun as possible amidst the stresses. Dating my man still in-tact. Packing is full steam ahead. And we continue to keep trusting, keep pursuing, and keep 'waiting on the Lord.' We keep looking forward to all that God around the bend for this faith fam of five!!
Psalm 46:10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Buried in boxes!!!

(a moving date of July 27th is set....until further notice....)

Give 'em Tools

Ever since Andy and I signed that purchase agreement making us the owners of our very first home on Brookview Drive in Burnsville, Minnesota...