Wednesday, June 19, 2013


School is out. The heat is up. The busyness continues but the relaxing has begun. Our summer has a different start to it than in years past with Andy having worked in his classroom (for hours) beyond that last day required, and the Anderson family van still waiting to be packed for that eastward trek to MN. We'll get there. Just a little later this summer. 
had to say goodbye to my dear friend Jenna :(
more sprinkler time!
I have loved having the boys home, letting them sleep in until their body says it's time to get up, rather than the clock.  There has been great joy in being able to slowly sip my creamy cup of coffee from start to finish rather than play the re-heating game all morning long.  Oh sure, there has been the occasional "I'm bored"comment, but we have dusted off the games, utilized the coolness of the pool, slurped the drippy popsicles, dug deep into our imaginations in order to create new lego city monstrosities, and that's just the beginning! We've had plenty of highlights thus far with many many more to come!!
mmmmm....nothing says summer like popsicles!
 WCF Ladies retreat to Lake Tahoe!
We enjoyed a wonderful weekend thanks once again to the Granaths and their generous hospitality as we basked in the beauty of Lake Tahoe at the Lake House! A 3-day weekend filled with laughing, learning, eating, worshiping, exploring, relaxing, teaching, praying, more eating :), reading, deepening our faith, and renewing friendships.
look at those 2 beauties!
Tami came oh-so-prepared this year ;) (wink wink)
having a little breakfast right before we dive into the book of Ruth!
love this gal! KJ and Elisha
relaxing on the beach front
Kj and Sugie--love to laugh with this pretty lady:)
yep...climbed that rock and managed to say semi-dry!
Jewel and Sugie
Brenda and Andrea
heading over to Zehpyr Cove!
sailboat time!!
let the relaxing begin! :)

This scenery never gets old!!

genuine giggles!
cave rock
Such a fun group of gals!!!
Anderson boys' fishing day! 
 While I was away in Tahoe, my boys had a pretty fun day fishing together!!

L.O.V.E. my guys!! :)
Just look at these 3 little handsome gents! :)
Shed and Lean-to project
The "before" (shamefully hideous)
Austin and Carson working hard
making progress--almost time to paint!
the boys' favorite part--painting!
Almost done...
lean-to time!

getting some tools from dad :)
my hard-working men!

ice cream break!

takin' a break

they loved helping whenever they could!

almost complete--Andy did an amazing job!!! :)
Father's Day!
This Father's Day was a little different for me not being "at home" with my own dad--I kinda missed it! But I'm thankful we were able to celebrate with Andy's dad and our family here. A relaxing day as we laughed at Austin's jokes (or lack thereof....), shared stories, bbcued some good old-fashioned hamburgers, and took advantage of a beautiful high-desert afternoon/evening at the Hinton's!
laughter is never lacking in this house :)
He's my favorite. :)
Hugs for Pap!

our actor Austin :)

Love my PJ!! :)
I feel like Daniel should be singing opera here....
it's the dads turn!! :)
game time with pappy!
awwww.... :)
nanny and PJ
my hottie-hubby with our handsome gents :)
After a crazy, semi non-stop start to our summer, the camping gear is out and loaded, goods made, food bins packed, 4 excited boys, and even if it IS over our wedding anniversary ;) ...this gal is also excited to head out into the mountains for a few days with my favorite men. Be back with the photo spread, stories, and a whole lot more I'm sure!! :)

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Give 'em Tools

Ever since Andy and I signed that purchase agreement making us the owners of our very first home on Brookview Drive in Burnsville, Minnesota...