Friday, May 4, 2012

Semblance of normalcy

Nearly 2 weeks after Carson's surgery and the bidding of farewells to "my girls", we've returned to what would resemble a semi-normal routine. But we are in the month of May, so what exactly is "normal"? Every year when I turn the page of the calendar from April to May I find myself practically color-coding our comings and goings and in-betweenings. This May is no different and our new normal is a busy one. The school days are coming to a close fast and furious with only 18 to go and I'm not sure how I feel about that yet. I'm ready to slow down a bit and actually have time to just "be" with all my boys, ready to sip my coffee in the mornings without scurrying around like a mother hen gathering her chicks quickly to the breakfast table before the van pulls out of the driveway....but that also means we are 18 days closer to me having a 2nd grader and kindergartner. AGH! Seriously...what will I do on that first day of school come August?!?! I won't gush about that now, I'll save that for then. (I'll probably give you a could be a "messy" post...)

With Carson recovering quite nicely from his surgery (thanks in part to my gently fierce warnings of no wrestling which used to be a normal after-dinner routine..), we are back in the swing of things....literally, as we look forward to our last 3 t-ball games, our new after-dinner routine. We are back into the Lego-construction, cookie-baking, fort-building, sand-digging, game-playing, play-doh creating, school-functioning, bike riding busyness of boyhood. And even though I collapse at the day's end falling asleep as my head hits the pillow (seriously, just ask Andy!), I wouldn't have it any other way!

Here come the latest and greatest of our past few days....
Here's our buddy 2 days after surgery....
...and here is what Carson's ear looked like 3 days after surgery!
game time!
Carson racing his McQueen car

cookie time!

oh. my. Legos!


 Cookie frosting time!

lovin' the outdoors!


goofy's :)


so smiley :)

fort fun!

So as our calendar screams at us with what to do each day and what lies ahead, we are still living in the moment, thankful for this day that God has given us. Some of our days definitely feel overflowingly full and the endless to-do, to-go lists are just that, endless...but after today, I can never have this day back again so I'll try to savor the moments that I do have, not be so consumed with what tomorrow holds, and continue to pray my way through. I'll sign off by once again saying thank you for all your prayers for Carson as he continues to recover--we will see his dr. again on Monday for his post-op and hopefully get more answers to more questions that have come up since his surgery. For the rest of today...I get to enjoy all my boys plus one! It's a sleepover weekend with cousin Daniel!! :)
 "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

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