Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Not just a season

Soccer season is over, our phone has 'quieted down' considerably :), the wind is blowing in colder air, the last of the leaves are raked and bagged, and thoughts of upcoming birthday celebrations and Thanksgiving turkey are beginning to dance in our minds.
Carson kicking off--last game of the season!
CJ with Nanny and Pappy--thanks for cheering him on! :)
                     We had Carson's end of the year soccer party at the bowling alley.        
SPARE!!! :)

Red Robins 2012

Super proud of my soccer boy!
This month of November is no different than any other previous November as it characteristically ushers in those heartfelt thankfulness sentiments as we reflect on those who are near and dear to us, causing us to realize how much we have and how overly-blessed we truly are. I couldn't help but post more pics. of my precious little blessings enjoying one last go-around in the leaves. Their facial expressions capture the endless moments of priceless fun perfectly!


look at those 'ups'!

I LOVE this pic!

'bombs awaaaaaaay' :)

I always think it's ironic how we (and yes, I'm including myself in this because I have definitely done it!) are so thankful for days on end only to immediately follow it up with our "wish list" and shopping excursions that put us into caffeine overdrive, frenzy-ing around  trying to find and snatch that "perfect gift", usually starting the day after we have stuffed ourselves silly with all that turkey and gravy and pumpkin pie. Now, keep in mind that I do enjoy the after-thanksgiving sales just as much as the most savy of shoppers and have definitely partook in those wee-morning hours of rock-bottom buys and deals (and I don't mean online). I can easily admit that I like to save a buck! Ok, a lot of bucks...but it's also fun to be a part of the hustle and bustle of the season, when Christmas really kicks off with it's endless consumption of peppermint mochas and that good ol' Bing Crosby holiday music playing throughout every store.

That being said, I don't want the thankfulness to come and go just as fast as those mashed potatoes do around the Thanksgiving Day dinner table. I don't want it to just be a season...I want it to be a lifestyle. We've started our traditional Thankful Tree and in talking with a dear friend the other day, I was expressing how I love that my boys look forward to this tradition. The nearly uncontainable excitement that can be seen in their eyes as they grab that colorful leaf and marker in order to jot down what it is they are thankful for today. Then they plot carefully as to where to tape that golden leaf...on a branch or falling to the 'ground' below. As a family who has been given so much and has so much, I want my boys to realize that thankfulness goes beyond the 20+ days in think of it in the sweltering July heat, in the frigid days of February, in the madness of May as another school year comes to a close.

This sits in my kitchen window sill and I'm thankful (no pun intended) for the daily reminder. I may just need to keep this out all year long so that when I find myself in a more complainant, ungrateful mood...wishing my circumstances were different, or rather matching what I THINK they should be...I will be brought back to reality, putting my life into perspective of the bigger picture. I am blessed. I will choose to be thankful. 

As we make our way through this November, I'm adding something specific to my prayer list.... Not to be 'extra' thankful for just one month out of the year but rather, be more aware the other 11 months and do what the Bible commands us to do and that is to "...give thanks in all circumstances..."(1 Thessalonians 5:18) Period. Thankfulness is not just a season.

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