Thursday, April 19, 2012


We are nearing the end of yet another week and the anticipation is mom and sisters will be here in a matter of hours now!!!!!!! (insert gigantic giddy smile and probably a squeal or two) I was already planning on doing some spring cleaning this week and their upcoming arrival just helped me push it into "high gear"! It's been nearly two years since I've seen my oldest sis...two years too long in my book. Needless to say we are looking forward to an endless stream of coffee, lots of laughter to be had, and many more wonderful memories made to be added to our "memory bank". I am beyond thankful for their nutso "fly by the seat of their pants" decision to drive halfway cross the country to spend a few days with me and all my boys. I am humbled that they would choose to come all this just "be here" for us. But, it's what family does!!

 Along with watching in anticipation for the MN (and MT) caravan to arrive, we are also on the brink of Carson's first surgery for his Cholesteatoma. Since he was first diagnosed with this a month and a half ago, I've been on the side of practical and the side of down-right emotional. God created Carson this way and who am I to question His detailed plan for my little boy's life? That doesn't stop the tears or the worries or the general "fears" we moms naturally have whenever our children are faced with something that we simply have no control over. This isn't a quick fix, let alone something that I can fix. But I am thankful that my heart and mind KNOW who IS in control and who is the ultimate Healer. I have been reminding myself constantly lately that God already knows the outcome and my son is in the best care possible. I just have to remember to leave him HIS hands....especially come Monday morning. 

In our anticipating, here's what the five of us have been up to the past few days....

Austin randomly took his Bible out the other day and told me, "I'm going to be like daddy and read from Luke 2." (we read that every Christmas...and yes, daddy reads it!) 
 We watched Jovi and Aven (our nieces) so Kyle and Jen could have a date night--we had a lot of fun with those girls!

 With spring fever accompanied by the gorgeous weather comes new outdoor projects--this year, one of them will be the "hill" in our backyard. Nothing too new, just a makeover.
my boys at work!

Austin and Carson moving rocks for a "rock garden"

Mason's idea of work--a bat and a (volley)ball?? ;)
 AWANA has come to an end with the awards night marking the finale next week. Here's my Carson Cubbie bear (who will move up with the "big kids" next year) and Austin enjoying a fun night of "beach night" being the theme for the last night.
 And like I promised, here are more t-ball pictures!!! This time, it was the cousins on opposing teams--you can't help but take in the innocence of this age, watching the laughter and giggles that are shared as they run past each other around the bases.
Austin acting as the pitcher

Carson's down and ready!

Good throw Austin!

And CJ's off!!!!

Good swing Austin!

Yep--there's that laughter I was referring to ;)

Go Carson!! Swing batta batta swing!

I came across these verses a while back and as we anticipate Monday, I'm clinging to the truths of His Word. "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal." Isaiah 26:3-4

1 comment:

Christa Forsythe said...

I'll be praying for Carson and YOU come Monday! SOOO glad part of your family is coming out for a visit... what a blessing! Hugs to you, my Friend!

Give 'em Tools

Ever since Andy and I signed that purchase agreement making us the owners of our very first home on Brookview Drive in Burnsville, Minnesota...