Monday, March 25, 2013

March Madness

The saying is really quite relative, this whole concept of "March Madness"--I get it. I once welcomed it. I lived and breathed basketball for nearly 5 months every year during high school. Now however, having children, the 'madness' is quite different but rings it's highest peak right around this time of year. I blame the weather. That transition from winter to....sprummer? Our short 'activity break' is over and the calendar of scheduled events begins to fill up again this month, leading us right up to that last day of school. *sigh* Only 9 weeks left....

Madness is a rather harsh term used to depict what has been happening as of lately and I use it solely as a way of a 'title'.  In actuality we've had quite a few, um, pleasantries come our way. Surprises, if you will. Joyous times and moments. Blessings in a variety of forms. Oh, there is the 'madness' that comes with the day-to-day parenting of lovingly disciplining 3 rambunctious boys , those frustrations that fester and eventually bubble to the surface, days when there simply aren't enough hours in them...and then there's the humbleness of getting beat 7 straight times in UNO by your 6-year old. Ha!! But I'll take the 'madness' if it comes in the form of these 3 young gents and one amazing father-figure of a hubby. Alright, enough gush. I'll get to the showcase of pictures.
What's this my eyes are beholding?! It's green!!! ;)
more bubbles! I love the way Mason is arching his back :)
He was trying to blow a super big one...
...success! sorta.

Austin came home from school earlier this month with a note from his teacher saying he would be receiving an award at the next school assembly...little did I know it was the best award you can receive! (in this mom's book anyway...I'll take awesome behavior/being an example to others over straight A's any day!) He was chosen out of all the second graders! Pretty proud of my Austie!! :)
high five from Mr. Connors!! (principal)

God has a way of tying things together just perfectly--I always say His timing is just that, perfect. And it most definitely is, even down to the little details of visits from MN friends, who just happen to be on the west coast! It was a simple dinner with a few hours of rich conversation and laughs. Thanks for coming Newtons!

The anticipation of baby Lucy finally arrived on March 16th--my dear friend Becky Egbert gave birth to her beautiful baby girl, Lucy Juliana!  I've logged a little snuggle time but there is much more to come!! :)

love ya Becky! :)

Birthday time!!!

Taste-testing the frosting!! (Carson and Aven)
Love my boys!!!!
But I REALLY love my hottie-hubby :) Out to dinner we go...
Mason blowing out the candles---they would re-light and he couldn't get enough!
YUM!!!!! The hubby did good! :)

Other random March moments.....
my mini-man and his tractors :)
Jovi and Carson
movie night with Jovi and Aven
wheelbarrow ride!
planting some spring flowers/bulbs!
chatting with Austin :)
planting flowers/bulbs with Austin
game night! :)
Mason ridin' in style!
family bike ride to visit some friends!
Austin and lil' Lucy
This final week of March brings us another round of parent/teacher conferences, along with setting our sights on this coming Easter/Resurrection Sunday. We get to enjoy the latter half of the week with half days at school (not for Andy, but for the other two!) due to these conferences...and as we make our way through this week with all it's variety of activities and even the slow winding down to our spring break next week, it's a reflective one at best. Reading through the gospel accounts of the week leading up to Jesus' death on the cross, in the past I've tried to place myself in that setting. It's hard. It's nearly impossible. I can't even fathom the height of emotion, the depth of confusion for some, the sights and sounds of an innocent man willingly placing Himself to a death like none other...(and to say that He "doesn't understand" when we go through pain or hurts or life's 'trials' is, well..............wrong!) This week will probably be no different as I thumb through the pages of Scripture taking in every word I read to the core of my heart. It's not too difficult to cry tears of sorrow and grief, but PRAISE JESUS SUNDAY IS COMING, bringing with it an overwhelming rejoicing of joyous tears!! My Savior lives and some day, "O Glorious Day", He's coming back to take us Home!!!!


Kari said...

Makes me feel like I am peeking in to glimpse of your life there in Nevada :) v.sweet to take in!

Christa Forsythe said...

In all of our life craziness... I TOTALLY forgot to wish you a very happy bday! Glad it was a special day!

Give 'em Tools

Ever since Andy and I signed that purchase agreement making us the owners of our very first home on Brookview Drive in Burnsville, Minnesota...