Monday, April 8, 2013

Spring Break 2013!

A mere 8 weeks...that's all that remains of this school year. And honestly, I'm counting them down!! It's bittersweet as it means my 3 boys are growing up all too quickly but in the same breath I'm ready for summer and have some family fun once again! This past week was spring break and it was a break that we all needed. We didn't go anywhere spectacular, but that's a relative term in the eyes of our boys...spectacular for them was being on the 26th floor of a hotel in Reno and seeing the planes fly in for their landing so up close and personal that you could almost make out the images of the people sitting in the window seats. The thrill of swimming in a pool, finding new attractions at our favorite stores (read: monster truck photo op at Scheel's), laughing at one another's antics, jam sessions in the van, an ice cream cone....simplicity that screams relishing in the moments together. In thinking of last year's spring break overnight trek to Reno, this year's paled in comparison. (you can read about last year's here)
checking out the view
Dinner time!

Ready to do some swimming in the pool!!!
The days in-between consisted of things we love to do, whether altogether or on our own. Andy kicked off our break by working on a mural at the middle school---he's pretty amazing if you ask me!!!

the blank wall before...
...after!!! (and the artist himself!)

the 'day after' Easter
always time for playing with cars!
Even with an incredibly sore back (and that's putting it lightly), my hubby makes sure the boys get their necessary wrestle time in (even if it's a bit modified)!
Carson flying off....
....and Austin laughing (?) while being wrapped up like a burrito...
One of the things I love about breaks during the school year is the efficiency of our dining room actually gets used for 3 meals rather than just one. Breakfast is savored rather than inhaled. Lunches are simple but fun. Conversations are enriched (yes, even with 3, 6, & 7 year old boys!), laughter usually erupts at some point...there is definite truth to the togetherness that sitting around a table brings to a family. (especially when there's donuts)

scoping out the goods

model-making time!
Nice work boys!!
lego building/creating!

movie night! :) It was a treat to have supper at the coffee table!
being crazy with my crazies...
Today, routine sets in once again and it's back to me and my mini-man and already a few times I've succumbed to the random quietness wondering what my little gents might be up to. Spring break--it was a good week. Life continues on with all it's ease and it's unforeseen challenges and the craziness of our spring calendar. But all the while our faith continues to be stretched and our knees found bent more often as we desire to seek Him first and foremost, striving to remain obedient to His will for the five of us. 

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