Friday, November 11, 2011

Brotherly Love

Before I write too much, let me give a disclaimer that even though these pictures show an array of smiling faces, rosy cheeks, and a whole lot of arms-around-each-other lovin', I specifically chose to capture those types of moments this week. The Anderson house is anything but a bed of roses at all hours of the day. Within the brotherly love is also a fair share of brotherly teasing and adversity. I humbly admit to having a little bit of what I call a "mommy-break-down" the other night. You know the kind I'm talking about, right? Where you feel overwhelmed, overtired, and it's one of those 2 steps forward 10 steps backward days? A toddler's hands in everything they shouldn't be, boys arguing over who gets the blue McQueen (even though we have about 10 other McQueens), somebody not playing fair, "he" got the bigger cookie, had you just left the mess it would be cleaner now than had you picked it up prior and they decided to remake that mess....need I go on? But despite all the shortcomings and the lack of my "calm, cool, and collected" dealings at times with whatever issue was at hand, the boys still found ways to make laughter echo through the house, turn chaos into creativity, pull out a random "I love you mom", and once again make me ever so grateful to be their mom. 

CJ helping Mason

I love my boys!!!

they were "fighting" about 30 seconds before I snapped this picture

my sillies! AA and CJ
As I sit typing away on the keyboard, watching them out my window as they run through the fallen leaves all the while laughing hysterically, attempting to catch the ones that are actually falling from the trees, I can't help but smile. Those are my boys. And as crazy as our house is at times, as chaotic as our little world can be some days, and as overwhelmed and seemingly "out of breath" as I may feel sometimes as a mom, I am blessed.

1 comment:

Christa Forsythe said...

I had one of those fall apart mommy moments tonight... Geeze... keep your hand on your own toys... Pleeze!

Love the sweet pictures... I cherish moments when my kids love each other too... those sweet moments iron out the wrinkles from the other times... right?

Give 'em Tools

Ever since Andy and I signed that purchase agreement making us the owners of our very first home on Brookview Drive in Burnsville, Minnesota...